Top Iranian Official: Iran Needs ’24 Hours And An Excuse’ To Annihilate Israel

A top Iranian official says that Iran will be able to annihilate Israel within a day.

According to The Jerusalem Post, Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Shirazi, representative to Iran’s Qods Force for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, claims that all they need is “24 hours and an excuse” to attack the Jewish state.

“If such a war does happen, it would not be a long war, and it would benefit the entire Islamic umma [the global community of Muslims],” Shirazi said, according to the Post. “We have expertise in fighting wars of attrition and Israel cannot fight a war of attrition.”

Shirazi went on to say that Israel is “foolish” to believe that they can launch an attack on Iran to stop its nuclear development.

“[W]hen Israel finds itself in danger of extinction, it flails around, and so it’s easy for it to do foolish things and will start a war just to sting Iran.”


10 Responses

  1. Exactly – israel should not cv give them an excuse – this is why all of the gedolim opposed zionism – it is the worst pikuach nefesh klal yisrael has ever faced RL – I am certain if the leaders of medinat israel annouce that it is no longer a jewish state, moshiach will come right away – the gemara in sanhedrin is clear that moshiach cannot come if there is a jewish state of any kind

  2. ““24 hours and an excuse”” funny how Muslims don’t need a reason only excuse to start rioting or any other action against those who do not follow their ways

  3. “[W]hen Israel finds itself in danger of extinction, it flails around”

    The only ones I hear flailing around and upping the rhetoric on a daily basis is Iran. It seems to me that they are quite worried about an Israeli attack and are therefore trying to scare them in an attempt to deter them. This a typical arab tactic and was utilized by Sadat, Saddam Hussain, and others. Hash-m yishmor.

  4. obviously the Iranians are having ALOT of problems with their currency and economy due to the sanctions, so he will try to deflect attention to Israel.

  5. Let’s be מחזק ourselves in תורה ומצוות and have בטחון. The רבונו של עולם is on OUR side! And whoever is on the side of the רבונו של עולם will be protected!

    אל תירא… עוצו עצה ותופר דברו דבר ולא יקום כי עמנו א-ל.

  6. That could only be done with H-bombs, which the US and USSR tested, but have never actually been used in combat. Based on everything in the press, Iran is not even close to developing one. Even if they did, it would wipe out the Palestinians as well. Israel presumably has the ability to launch a “second strike” retaliation, and might have “doomsday” weapons as well.

    Thus I suggest these Iranian comments should be taken just as seriously as the announcement by the Egyptians in 1967 that they had shot down the entire Israeli air force in the opening hours of the Six-Day War.

  7. #1 Was there a Jewish State when Hitler tried and almost succeeded in annihilating the world’s Jews? Yours is such a foolish notion. Even before the State of Israel, Jews were being persecuted throughout the world – only then we were unable to defend ourselves. Thank G-d we can now defend ourselves. Hashem never intended for his Chosen People to be led like lamb to the slaughter. I am sure you appreciate that you and your children can attend yeshivas in Israel and know that you will be protected to practice your religion without harassment. How many other parts of the world can you say that? How about a little hakaras hatov to the zionists for helping anti-zionists like yourself and your family to be able to live comfortably as Jews knowing you always have a place to go that will accept and protect you?

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