VIDEO: Sikrikim Tried Burning Down The IDF Jerusalem Induction Center


In the accompanying video, one can see sikrikim, who on Monday night the eve of 3 Kislev, tried to start a fire in the IDF Jerusalem Induction Center on Rashi Street. One can see the fire outside the complex as well as the garbage that was thrown in and around the entrance.

‘Z’, who was among those present, told B’Chadrei Chareidim News that they vandalized the place by turning everything around. They smashed the windows of the guard booth outside and set it ablaze in the hope the fire would spread to the building. Persons on location extinguished the blaze almost immediately.

The protesters then caused random damage, including to the doors and equipment. They were apparently angered by the arrest of a chareidi female on Tuesday in the induction center.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. ‘apparently’ – indeed, a frum, married lady was arrested b/c her army papers were not in order
    just last week a frum girl from the local seminary went thru the same saga.

  2. Is the IDF targeting frum womes or do they apply the same criteria to all citizens?

    Chilliworker2 do you believe burning down the induction center to be an appropriate response?

    Moreover do believe that it will be effective in solving the issue?

  3. The claim is made by a commentator that a married lady was arrested for draft dodging? All married females, secular or otherwise, are exempt and it has no connection whatever to being “frum” or atheist. Which married female of draft age with an IQ sufficient to be allowed out on their own without a chaperon has a problem proving they are married in Israel?

  4. Throwing a firebomb into a government building is a terrorist attack…..these dumb stories about what may have upset these terrorists is irrelevant. Time to consider using lethal force if neccessary to shut down these terrorists once an for all. Any mosdos, askanim or c’v rabbonim encouarging such terroist attacks also ned to be prosecuted as war criminals.

  5. @Gadolhadorah “lethal force”
    I assume you mean after properly torturing them. There are some good ideas in the Medrash about Sodom

  6. Burning down a government building is terrorism, arson, and even attempted murder. Every perpetrator of this should be arrested, and there must be a mandatory minimum sentence imposed. This is no laughing matter. And those who claim that doing these dangerous things is more important than putting on tefillin is guilty of chilul Hashem. For those interested, the gemora (Berachos 19b) states:

    כל מקום שיש חילול ה’ אין חולקין כבוד לרב.

    The Rav/Rosh Yeshiva that stated this today (that it is more important to protest than to put on tefillin) is underserving of kavod, not because I wish it that way, but because Chazal stated so.

  7. herschel: what makes you think that i agree with burning down the induction center on rechov rashi. i despise those who destroy other’s property, it’s childish and accomplishes NOTHING.
    By the way, this very lady has been transferred to Prison 6 in the North. she was NOT A DRAFT DODGER.
    how come frum ladies get arrested? one small example – some girls get married whilst still learning in seminary. if they missed the date when all papers were given in to the army together with the seminary, they have to deal with it on their own. often enough, when dealing with it on their own, they don’t come in the right time, or don’t bring the right papers. etc. The army does not ‘let you off the hook’ the minute you get married!
    another example, a girl who learnt in kiryat sefer, her seminary closed down, she went to learn in yerushalayim, where the army papers had already been dealt with, so she had to go on her own to deal with it. NO ONE is allowed in with her etc…

  8. chilliworker2
    Today’s news (29 Nov 2017) on this very web site calls the report “fake news”.
    But aside from that, while it is true that the person must apply for the exemption before reaching age 18, it is absurd to accept that a marriage certificate is not sufficient proof (or that the person cannot produce their own marriage certificate) . And plenty of non-religious women who are married have no difficulty handling the matter on their own, so why would a highly-educated religious woman have any more difficulty than a non-religious woman?

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