Thousands of Chareidim Boycotting Osem Products this Yomtov

After Osem executives announced a price hike on most products, many chareidim have decided they are unwilling to continue accepting higher prices without responding. As such, thousands of chareidim have signaled they are boycotting Osem products this Sukkos and they have informed grocery stores and supermarkets that they are not going to buy Osem products this yomtov in the hope of compelling Osem to back down with the planned price hikes.

It is difficult to determine how widespread the boycott is or may spread in the chareidi tzibur but it does appear to be in effect in some areas of Yerushalayim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. BOYCOTT implies something political.

    Consumer preferring less expensive products to more expensive products is a natural part of the law of supply and demand. It’s how capitalism works.

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