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VIDEO: IDF Destroys A Room Of The Home Of The Har Adar Terrorist


IDF forces during the night, working with agents of the Civil Administration and Border Police, destroyed the room of the terrorist responsible for the Har Adar attack on September 26, 2017.

The room of the family dwelling in the PA (Palestinian Authority) village of Bet Suriq where Mahmoud Ahmad al-Jamal lived, was destroyed, and not the entire home as many news reports indicate.

Border Policeman First Sergeant Solomon Gavria, 20, and security guards Yosef Otman, 24, and Or Arish,25, were murdered in the attack. The terrorist was killed.

The father of Yosef Otman, who was killed in the attack, speaks in the video of the “cursed terrorist” and addresses the destruction of a portion of the home.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Video Credit: Israel Police Spokesman Unit)

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