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President Rivlin Warmly Embraces Reform Jewry At LA Federations Dinner

Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin spoke at the annual Jewish Federations meeting held in Los Angeles. Rivlin embraced the Reform Movement but refrained from intervening in government decisions.

The following are excerpts from his address, which also covered other topics.

“The symbol of unity, the Kosel of tears and happiness, has become a symbol of disagreement and conflict,” he said, referring to the outline for the future of the Kosel, it was frozen at the request of the chareidi parties. The outline was an effort to reach understanding on the matter, and now we must return to the table together, to work out the differences and to reach understanding. This matter in in the interest of all concerned.

However, the president stressed, “We must all respect the democratic process in Israel, the decision-making process. Whether we like it or not, in the only Jewish and democratic state in the world. Religion and state is a political issue, perhaps the most explosive political issue. Five governments have already fallen in Israel on questions such as: Are combat aircraft not on a mission permitted to land in Israel on Shabbos? Or the question of who is a Jew? This is how true democracy is conducted.”

“The State of Israel has always been and will always be the home of every Jew – chareidi, Reform, Conservative, secular, traditional, Ashkenazi, Sephardic. Jews, we are one people and the State of Israel is dear to us all,” Rivlin said. Jews around the world, particularly in the United States are our full partners. You stand by us in moments of crisis and joy, you dream with us, challenge us and keep us strong – and we are strong.”

“You have a significant positive impact on the Israeli system and society in Israel. We have built strong channels of cooperation on strategic issues, and you have a significant impact on the Israeli agenda. I ask you not to stop. As a partner in buildings relations between us, we must create an honest and open dialogue between the sides. This is the only way that we can move forward.”

“The challenge of building our relationship should begin with a better understanding of one another,” Rivlin said, “Sometimes in order to get closer to one other, we must recognize the differences, understand the different points of view. It’s the hardest challenge in Israel, it’s even harder in the Diaspora.”

“I always say that there are three principles in Israel’s foreign relations, relations with the US, relations with the US and relations with the US. You are an integral part of the strong relationship between Israel and the United States. This is the place to thank you for your role in developing and maintaining these relations, in maintaining the American commitment to the security of the State of Israel.”

“The Jewish people have been partners throughout the ages, not only in the task of building the nation, but also in the task of making the world a better place (Tikun Olam). We must choose joint tasks for the Jewish people and the State of Israel. Just imagine our shared power to make a difference. I would be happy to plan a joint conference with you, which will be held at the President’s Residence and will deal with our joint missions. Let’s put the disputes aside and act together, we will base the guarantee between us as binding value and action. For the benefit of the Jewish people, for the benefit of the State of Israel, for the benefit of the entire world.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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