PHOTOS: Jerusalem: Child Playing With Matches Burns Down Ramot Home On Shabbos


On this past Shabbos, Parshas Chayei Sarah, the fire department was called to a blaze at a home on Yechezkel Kaufman Street in the Ramot neighborhood of the capital.

The firefighters who came to the site noticed a large fire on the first floor of a three-story building, and huge tongues of fire and smoke rising from one of the apartments on the first floor.

The firefighters, under the command of Eli Edri, entered the smoke-filled apartment. They extinguished the fire, prevented the fire from spreading into the building, combed it, and vented the building from the thick, poisonous smoke that had accumulated there.

As a result of the rapid and professional activity of the firefighters, the occupants of the building were not harmed, except for one woman who was slightly injured after being burned by the fire.

The apartment that was burned was severely damaged by heat and smoke, as well as smoke and soot damage in other areas of the building.

An initial investigation carried out by fire investigators in Jerusalem shows that the fire began after a match of a 4-year-old boy in matches while he was alone at home with his brother.

As a result of playing with the matches, items of clothing began to ignite and within a very short time the fire spread throughout the house and consumed all its contents.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: אודי גל, דובר כב”ה מחוז י-ם)

3 Responses

  1. a real tragedy. May HaShem who spared them of any human damage, replace their home and that of their neighbors who probably also suffered….

  2. Looking at the damage, it’s a terrible loss for the family- but on the silver lining side, BH no one was hurt. My heart goes out to them. May H’ help them get back on their feet quickly.

  3. Not just a tragedy – irresponsibility on the part of the parents., Matches & lighters should always be out of reach of children; especially on Shabbos they should be put in a drawer or an inaccessible place. B”H nobody was seriously hurt.

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