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mda.jpg(UPDATES BELOW) 3:50PM EST: A few moments ago, YWN received word of two terrorist attacks in Eretz Yisroel. According to initial reports, two Arab terrorists fired shots at Israeli’s at the entrance to Shuafat. Two people were reportedly shot. One is reported to be in critical condition.

Additionally, two Arab terrorists stabbed six people at Yeshivs Mekor Chaim in K’far Etzion. One of the victims, is reported to be in moderate condition – and the rest only have minor stab wounds. The two terrorists are reported to have been shot dead by a student, or a teacher, in the library of the Yeshiva.

UPDATE 4:10PM EST: The Jerusalem Post is reporting that the two terrorists from the shooting attack reportedly fled into the Shuafat refugee camp. This would make it seem that the two incidents were carried out by two pairs of terrorists [although this is not confirmed at this time].

UPDATE 4:30PM EST: Hatzolah israel tells YWN, that one of the shooting victims has R”L been Niftar.


16 Responses

  1. Hashem Yerachem.
    Even though it has been reported that the two terrorists are reported to have been shot dead, we are still in Galus.
    It is only because Hashem Yilachem Lachem….
    WE must be mispalel, say Tehilim, do Teshuva.
    Then we can hope that all these acts iof terror will end. Shalom Al Yisrael.

  2. Oy, Hashem give us koach to deal with this!

    May He give nechama to the families and to those involved!

    HatzolaMaalotDafna, I hope you can be comforted from you saw and Hashem will repay you for your misiras nefesh.

  3. This increase in terrorism is a direct resul of the cold-blooded decision of the Israeli government of Olmert and Barak to remove soldiers from key protective roadblocks on the West Bank.

    This is being done in order to “encourage” the “settlers” to “voluntarily” leave their homes on the West Bank, so that they can be handed-over to Abbas and Company, as per the “Annapolis” agreement.

    Evidently, Olmert and Barak are prepared to “sacrifice” a few Jewish lives, if that is what it takes to get those “stubborn” settlers out of the “occupied territories.”

    HaShem YishMor!

  4. deepthinker, don’t try to figure it out with politics, we need to think into what we are doing in avodas Hashem that is causing this. Political figures have always been pawns by Hashem throughout history and this is no different. Especially when things do not make sense as you described we should turn our focus to Hashem and what He wants from us!

  5. KSn, I disagree vehemently. We can’t just daven all day and take no responsibility if terrible people are voted into office, for example. We need to do both, like Yaakov Avinu. We need to daven AND do some hishtadlus. That’s basically the point of Agudah – to be a frum lobby. You would never think of telling them to “just daven.”

    “Political figures have always been pawns by Hashem throughout history and this is no different. ” You can also say that about doctors – don’t go to a doctor because they are just pawns from Hashem and you’ll get better or not with or without them.

    It’s called HISHTADLUS.

    And by the way people, make sure to vote!!!

  6. WHOO tootired! I never ever said to “just daven”! And never said anything about not doing histadlus! You COMPLETELY missed my point and I am sorry I caused you vehement feelings! And I never said not to vote! So please do not put words in my mouth that are not mine!

    To clarify my point, all I was saying was not to try and figure things out that are political since they usually do not make sense. I did not agree with the fact that it is a “direct result” of political events since in Hashem’s world things are very multi-factual having to do with what is going on down here and up there.

    Yes, we have to do our part in this world by being responsible and voting reasonable people into office and having representatives like the Agudah- I never said otherwise. It is just that we ALSO have to recognize the greater picture above the here-and-now political situation. We can vote in the best people and have the best representatives but the end result is only in Hashem’s hands. As with all HISTADULUS- the efforts have nothing to do with the results as it says clearly in Chovos Levavos.

    Therefore after we do all that we can, we need to turn our focus to Hashem and what He wants from us in the spiritual realm. Esther went to Achachvarosh to represent the people, but the yidden still davened and did teshuvah! After all is said and done, we need to take our focus away from politics to some extent and focus on spiritual efforts like teshuvah and tefillah.

  7. to # 10
    there are two shuafats. one is right next to ramat shlomo, and is a regular east jerusalem town(not from the very dangerous ones). there is also shuafat refugee camp which is just down the road, but seperated by a highway and a security fence.the refugee camp, is the most dangerous arab area in yerushalayim. the border police (mishmar hagvul), are responsible for securing the perimiter, while the army is responsible for the inside.the attack took place by the refugee camp,at one of the border police security booths along the perimiter.

  8. TO KSN:

    I did not mean to imply that HaShem is not in charge.

    What I wanted to point out was that the Olmert and barak are the real killers of those poor victims, even if they didn’t pull the triggers themselves.

    Forewarned is forearmed!

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