Baruch Dayan Emmes: HaGaon HaRav Dov Yaffa ZATZAL [LEVAYA DETAILS]

Baruch Dayan Emmes: Officials in Laniado Hospital in Netanya report HaGaon HaTzaddik Dov Yaffa ZT”L, the elder of the mashgichim, was niftar a short time ago on Wednesday, 19 Cheshvan 5778, at the age of 89.

Rav Yaffa was a member of the Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah of Degel Hatorah. He resided in Rechasim, near his beloved yeshiva.

The Levaya set out from Kiryat Sanz, Netanya, early Wednesday afternoon, to Yerushalayim, where it will pass Yeshivas Kol Yaakov, and from there to Rechasim, where the levayah and kevurah will be held.

Levaya Details

The levaya for HaGaon HaTzaddik Rav Dov Yaffa ZT”L, who was niftar Wednesday morning 19 Cheshvan in Laniado Hospital in Netanya at the age of 89, began at 12:30pm from his beis medrash in Kiryat Sanz.

At 3:00pm, it stopped at Yeshivos Kol Yaakov in Jerusalem and HaGaon Rav Yehuda Addis Shlita will be maspid the niftar along with HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita and the niftar’s son HaGaon Rav Mordechai Yaffa from Mir.

At 800pm, at Yeshivos Knesset Chizkiyahu in Rechasim and expected hespedim include HaGaon HaRav Dov Povarsky, HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau, HaGaon HaRav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: שניאור זלמן צוקר)

One Response

  1. It would be very nice if after a gadol like this is niftar, there would be somewhere where people could write about the person, so that the rest of us who didn’t know him could read about him. This would be especially awesome as it relates to their contributions to Torah. For example, what were this person’s main chiddushim, if any? or maybe what were the most interesting/famous psakim or ideas that this person introduced? My impression often of many of the hespeidim are that people talk about how great a tzaddik or talmid chachom or anav, etc, this person was, and tell a bunch of stories. But maybe there is something else that the rest of us can also learn from, since by themselves these stories can almost always be said about any gadol that passes away.

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