First Ever Charedi Operations Officer in IDF’s Paratrooper Brigade

Netanel Meshi-Zahav is the first Chareidi Operations Officer in the paratrooper brigade. Meshi-Zahav is among the first class of graduates from the Charedi Unit which recently opened and which is called “Arrow”.

Netanel’s father is Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, who runs the Zaka organization and has been referred to as the “Operations Officer of the Eidah Charedis”. He is one of the most vocal voices in the Chareidi community against the Peleg Yerushalmi protests of recent weeks.

Rabbis from the “Netzach Yehuda” NGO who accompany the Charedi unit in the paratrooper brigade relayed: “Graduates of the Arrow program who return to serve as commanders in the unit provide a testament to the successes of the unit, both from an operational as well as spiritual standpoint.”

Soldiers from this Charedi Unit have received the highest commendations from their commanders. Last week, during the spike in tensions in Israel’s south, the Arrow unit was sent to serve on Israel’s border with Gaza.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. It should be note that according to the Chazon Ish and many other Torah leaders of the past and present it is forbidden to serve in the Israeli Military. The איסור is at a level of יהרג ועל יעבור.

    And it is expected from Yeshiva World to attach such a footnote with every news article, that might give a contradicting impression.

  2. I would like to add to bdtz1’s comment. Every article published by YWN about someone (even “religious” people) going up to the Har Habayis has a disclaimer at the end stating that the gedolei Torah throughout the generations forbade ascendlng the Har Habayis due to issur kares. So, although there are some rabbis who ostensibly allow it, YWN upholds the the general consensus of the gedolim who forbid it.
    Isn’t the induction of Chareidi young men also equally as serious a question that deserves at least a similar disclaimer?

  3. ” The איסור is at a level of יהרג ועל יעבור.”
    The Chazon ISH applied it to females…
    You can go on and apply it to men, but that is not what the Chazon Ish wrote.

  4. Yehuda Meshi-Zahav has nothing to do with the Eidah Hareidis.
    The Eidah is firmly on the side of Peleg Yerushalmi and totally opposes not only enlisting but also reporting to the draft board.

  5. I find it hard to believe that the Chazon Ish considered men serving in the military to be Yahrog Val Yavoer. It’s brought down In Orchos Rabbainu Chelek Daled amud Reish (written by Rav Horowitz the Steiplers Talmid Muvhak) That the Steipler would constantly say that anyone who works and uses Yeshiva registration to obtain an army deferment is considered a true Rodef on the oilam hatorah.

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