Eretz Yisrael: 3 People Niftar In Just A Few Hours, Leaving Many Yesomim R’L

Baruch Dayan Emmes: Rabbi Natan Neta Adler, 44, was niftar in Sheba Medical Center on Monday, 17 Cheshvan, after being diagnosed with cancer several months ago. The rav, a son of Rav Avraham Menachem and Rebitzen Rivkah Golda Adler of Bnei Brak, moved to Rechasim after his Chasunah and became a well-known figure in Kiruv, and founded the Eilat HaShachar Beis Medrash for outreach. He left behind 10 children.

A few hours earlier, Betar Illit resident Devorah Ben-David, 34, died of cancer as well, leaving behind 8 children. She had recently purchased clothing for all the children for the upcoming bar mitzvah of her eldest son, in Nissan.

Another chareidi woman was niftar on Monday in Sheba, Mrs. Rochel Auerbach, 56. She was employed as a secretary in the Beis Yaakov in the Ramat Aharon neighborhood of Bnei Brak. She suffered with the illness for two years R”L. Next week, she was planning to take part in the Chasunah of her son Moshe Chaim. The other children are married. She is survived by her husband, a R”am in Yeshivas Noam HaTorah in bnei Brak.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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