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EMS 1 Minute Response Saves Jerusalem Daycare Center Child

United Hatzalah dispatch center received an emergency call just after 1:00PM on Monday 17 Cheshvan, during the afternoon hours for a child who was choking. The child was at daycare when he choked on a piece of a cookie that he was eating. United Hatzalah volunteers who worked and lived in the area and received the emergency call via their smartphone applications, arrived at the daycare in less than a minute and succeeded in extricating the blockage from the child’s windpipe.

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Yossi Dvir said following the incident: “When I arrived at the location of the incident on my ambucycle, I began to perform the procedure to save the boy’s life (The Heimlich Maneuver) and thankfully I managed to extricate the blockage from the boy’s throat.

While I was treating the child, I was joined by Doctor Yishai Ben Uri who volunteers with United Hatzalah and other EMT volunteers as well to continue caring for the child until the ambulance was able to come and transport the child to the hospital for further care and observation.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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