Worker At Givatayim Construction Site Throws Stones Into A Kindergarten

90 children age thee and four were taken from the kindergarten in the Burchov area of Givatayim after construction workers threw stones at and into the kindergarten.

The note sent to parents stated, “Two workers began to throw stones into the kindergarten, through the open window, and Adi (the kindergarten teacher) began an emergency procedure and evacuated the children to a parallel kindergarten.”

She wrote that the same kindergarten teacher was taken for questioning, and at that time another kindergarten teacher and the other kindergarten staff were with the children. “No one is hurt, everyone is okay and there’s nothing to worry about, the teacher examines the psychological aspect and whether it’s worthwhile to talk to the children or not,” she wrote to the parents.

One of the mothers said: “In the morning, two workers threw stones at the teachers and made obscene gestures, and the team did a good job, but when I took the child, there police vehicles at the scene. To me it is bizarre that we were not updated in real time.

Another mother said that no changes had been made at the moment in terms of security or the activity of the construction site. “All we were told was that the security guard was instructed to increase vigilance,” she said.

The Givatayim municipality said in response: “From the moment the kindergarten teacher understood what was happening and pressed the distress button, which is found in all the kindergartens in the city and reports on cases of immediate distress to the police and the municipal police.

Two of the workers involved were apprehended and turned over to police. They were questioned and released with restrictions, which include a ban from entering Givatayim. The others, working on the nearby building site, were taken for another security inspection.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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