Baruch Dayan HaEmmes: Rabbi Yisrael Rosen Of Zomet Institute Z’L

Rabbi Yisrael Rosen Z”L, founder and head of the Zomet Institute, was niftar during the night of 13 Cheshvan (Wednesday to Thursday).

The rav, who was a resident of the Gush Etzion community of Alon Shvut, dedicated his life to weaving Yiddishkheit and modern inventions, providing inventions for persons like government leaders and IDF officers, who are compelled to use technological devices on Shabbos. The institute developed many devices operating on a gerama for those requiring them.

Born in Tel Aviv in 1941, the rav attended Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh and founded the kollel. He also studied in Machon Lev and Bar Ilan University.

The rav is survived by his wife Rebitzen Shlomit, five children and grandchildren.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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