PHOTOS: Miracle in Kiryat Yam After Driver Escapes Death When Car Collides With Truck Carrying Steel Poles

(Credit: United Hatzalah)

A strange motor vehicle accident occurred on Wednesday morning in Kiryat Yam, a neighborhood north of Haifa. A private car was traveling behind a truck carrying steel construction poles. The poles slid and hit the car piercing its windshield and surrounding the driver injuring her only lightly. The slammed into the passenger seat and into an infant’s car seat. Luckily both were unoccupied.

The Fire and Rescue department as well as volunteer EMS personnel from MDA and United Hatzalah responded to the incident and found the dirver of the car, a 30-year-old mother, trapped inside by the steel poles. She had been only slightly injured.

United Hatzalah volunteer Liran Krispin, who was among the first to respond to the emergency said: “This was simply a miracle. An accident like this would normally have ended very differently. In most situations like this one, the driver would have sustained serious if not life-threatening injuries. The steel poles missed her and that is truly a miracle.”

A senior EMT with Magen David Adom Avraham Kabia said: “When we arrived at the scene the driver was trapped in the vehicle alone. It was a miracle that she was alive. She was given her life today as a gift. The steel poles destroyed the windshield and impacted the interior of the car all around her. The Fire and Rescue crews evacuated her and we transported her to the hospital after she sustained only light injuries. She told us that she had just finished dropping her children off at school when the accident occurred. Had they been in the car at the time, this accident would have been far more tragic.”

(Credit: United Hatzalah)
(Credit: United Hatzalah)
(Credit: United Hatzalah)
(Credit: United Hatzalah)


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