VIDEO: MK Eichler Explains The Balfour Decleration As Per R’ Saadia Gaon


The Knesset this week marked the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, questioning what is a home, nationality and the Jewish People. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu this week will be traveling to London as well, where he will take part in events marking 100 years since the Balfour Declaration.

MK Eicher explains that one can be Jewish regardless of one’s location, as has been the case during the galus and the Balfour and reference to nationality and reference to Palestine has failed and it has no meaning as we have seen. Eichler highlights that the essence is, quoting R’ Saadia Gaon, observance of Torah and mitzvos, and this can and has been accomplished wherever the Jewish people have lived. Trying to create a new nationality that does not accept this way of life, is recipe for failure he concludes.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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