Evidence Against Deri and His Wife Grows as Investigation Continues

Suspicions of wrong doings by Interior Minister Aryeh Deri and his wife continue to grow. The Police and Tax Authority are continuing their investigation into the dealing of Deri and his wife Yaffa. When the investigation began, more than a year ago, the main concern was that Deri and his wife were involved in illegal tax activity involving some of the family’s real e state holding in Givat Shaul and their hme in Safsufa. According to one high up investigator: “The main focus of the investigation has changed.”

Now acording to reports by investigators the focus has changed to illegal activity focsuing around unethical and criminal dealings with monies paid by the non-profit organization, Mifalei Simcha, belonging to Yaffa. Some large sums of money were paid to relatives of the family and investigators have still ot been able to ascertain why. “No one knows where the money went or what it was used for. But one thing is certain, it was paid to relatives of the family for things that the non-profit was not established to deal with,” said a source close to the investigation.

Deri is suspected of tax evasion, deceit, breaking of trust with regard to financial issues. He has been questioned numerous times in the past few months as has Yaffa.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


2 Responses

  1. oy vey, who’s gonna protest for him when he goes into prison?
    last time he went in, his supports burst into his court cases, assaulted the judges, turned over police cars…
    but now they can’t really do that b/c deri’s very against violent protests and hafganot – it sickens him to the stomach…

  2. I will never understand how a convicted felon can return to power as an MK. Something is really messed up with the system here.

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