Five Right-Wing Coalition Members Threaten To Defy The Coalition To Get Funding For Bypass Roads In Yehuda And Shomron

If the budget for paving bypass roads in Yehuda and Shomron is not approved by the cabinet next week, five Knesset members announced on Tuesday, 11 Cheshvan, they will be absent from the Knesset vote.

Among the five are MK (Bayit Yehudi) Moti Yogev and MK (Likud) Oren Chazan. At the campaign headquarters they claimed that three other MKs had informed them that if this protest was carried out, they would join him, but for the time being they did not want to be exposed.

MK Yogev, chairman of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee, visited the protest tent of the bereaved families and the heads of local authorities in Judea and Samaria and said that “until next week at the cabinet meeting on Sunday there will be no decisions that the budget is indeed passing. I must be among those who go from the side of the speaking and the efforts of years to get those sums – to join those who are simply refraining from voting with the coalition. ”

“It is not a unilateral matter of a demand by the chairman of the coalition or of others that we vote with. It is also a matter of responding to the needs that are in our souls. Next week is the time when things need to be realized. To pass and have a budget – from planning to implementation”.

The two, Yogev and Chazan, are sending their clear [threatening] message, that without funding in the budget for the bypass roads, they and their associates will carry out the coalition-defying move and abstain from voting to prevent the budget from passing.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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