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Wisconsin Gov Walker Visits Israel, Prohibits BDS From Doing Business With His State


Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is currently in Israel, leading a 15-member delegation on a trip aimed at boosting exports, increasing foreign investment in Wisconsin and developing new partnerships between his state and Israel. The Governor has met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other government officials.

The visit began with Walker issuing an Executive Order prohibiting Wisconsin state agencies from contracting with any business entity that discriminates against Israel, namely those affiliated with the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement.

“We stand firmly against discrimination in any form and we wholly support our friends in Israel,” said Governor Walker. “I look forward to leading a trade delegation to Israel to foster new trade partnerships between Wisconsin and Israeli businesses.”

Wisconsin and the State of Israel enjoy a robust trading relationship, with Wisconsin exporting over $80 million annually to Israel and importing over $200 million annually from Israel.

In addition, Governor Walker voiced support for a bill currently in the Wisconsin state legislature which would prohibit any entity in state government or local government from adopting a rule, ordinance, policy, or procedure that involves the entity in a boycott of Israel, or a boycott of a person doing business in Israel or in a territory under Israeli jurisdiction. The bill also requires that state contracts for materials, supplies, equipment, and services include a provision that the vendor is not currently participating in and will not participate in a boycott of Israel during the contract.

Governor Walker enjoyed an hour-long, one-on-one meeting in Jerusalem with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss future collaboration between Wisconsin and Israel as well as political and economic issues in the region.

“I enjoyed the opportunity to have a wide-ranging conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu about some of the serious issues facing his country, as well as focus on ways to bolster the strong relationship that already exists between Wisconsin and Israel,” Governor Walker said. “Our nation’s commitment to Israel is stronger than ever, and I made it clear to the prime minister that Wisconsin stands by his country as it addresses the many challenges in the region.”

While in Jerusalem, Governor Walker also met with several government leaders, including Michael Oren, deputy minister at the Prime Minister’s Office; Yuval Steinitz, minister of National Infrastructure, Energy, Water; and Avi Dichter, chair of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

In addition to meeting with government leaders, Governor Walker and First Lady Tonette Walker on Monday also led the Wisconsin delegation in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial and a tree-planting ceremony at the Kennedy Peace Forest.

The governor and Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Secretary and CEO Mark R. Hogan are heading the delegation, which includes business leaders from five Wisconsin companies and representatives of the state’s water technology sector.

On Tuesday, the governor will be in Tel Aviv, where he will take part in several events aimed at developing new partnerships in the water technology and technology sectors.

During the trade mission, the company executives have been engaging in personalized, one-on-one meetings with potential business partners coordinated by WEDC’s authorized trade representative network in each country.

The governor will return to Wisconsin on Thursday.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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