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Poll: Bibi Still Leads In PM Race Along With Likud Remaining On Top

While there is an ongoing effort supported by many to prevent Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu from serving a fourth term in office, the most recent Channel 10 News poll shows he is still the most trusted among candidates when asked “Who is best suited to serve as Prime Minister?”

28% Netanyahu

11% Lapid

11% Gabbai (New leader of Machane Tzioni party)

6% Barak (Former PM Ehud Barak)

5% Bennet

3% Lieberman

By Party

26 Likud

21 Yesh Atid

20 Machane Tzion

7 Kulanu

7 Meretz

6 Yisrael Beitenu

6 Yahadut Hatorah

3 Shas

2 Yachad (Eli Yishai)

If the current four-seat minimum threshold to enter Knesset remains, both Shas and Yachad will not be in the next Knesset.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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