Soldier Who Pepper-Sprayed Peleg Protesters Tells Her Story

A soldier who pepper-sprayed Peleg protesters opened up and told her side of the story on Tuesday. The soldier was caught on video by a passerby and the video was then uploaded to the internet. According to the soldier, the most important part of the incident wasn’t filmed.

The soldier, Amit Nazri wrote to Israeli media describing her side of the events that transpired: “Yesterday, at approximately 3:00 p.m., I was traveling to the IDF base where I serve via the Jerusalem light-rail. I headed from the Central Bus Station towards Ammunition Hill. When we arrived at the Damascus Gate (three stops before I need to get off) the driver stopped the train and announced that he could not proceed due to a protest which was taking place in front of the train. He asked all passengers to disembark.

I got off the train together with all the other passengers and began to walk towards the station that I needed. On the way, I was trapped by the protesters. I kept walking and minding my own business, and despite the ‘regular’ shouts of “Shiksa” being hurled my way because I was passing by them and in a uniform, I kept going. Truly, that was a terrible thing for me to do.”

According to Nazri she didn’t react to the comments but to a woman who was surrounded by approximately 40 Charedi men who were not letting her leave the ring that they had formed around her. “The woman was being cursed and spit on from all directions. I didn’t think twice, I simply broke into their circle in an effort to extricate the victim from the assailants. That’s when the real drama began. The second I walked in there, I walked into the circle of hell. This was a circle of human animals. The absurd thing is that they still allow themselves to wear kippot and have the audacity to call themselves Charedim.”

Nazri explained a bit about her own religious background. “It is important for me to make clear that I also keep the Mitzvot. I have a strong faith in the complete Torah and all of its commandments and I encourage those who sit and learn, the Lomdei Torah. But these people? These people were Satan incarnate. They were not lomdei Torah, and not even lomdei na’alaim (shoes). They were animals.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

28 Responses

  1. These Peleg hoodlums should be benching gomel that she did not open fire with live ammunition which she would have been entitled to do if there were 40 Palestinian terrorists threatening her and she felt at risk of physical harm. As I’ve said several times, those following R’ Aurbach’s guidance are playing with fire and more likely than not, they will be burned badly before this is over.


  3. Gadolhadorah is 100% correct. I see no difference between these terrorists and Arab terrorists, but I guess good for Peleg that the IDF does (although it might not be such a good reflection on the democratic system in Israel).

  4. What is interesting is what she does not say. She does not say that she or the other women were ever physically attacked. She says that they were being verbally abused, that is all. There are forms of verbal abuse that are criminal and there are forms that are not. The legal response to verbal abuse is to sue the abuser. So where was the justification for using a non-lethal weapon? Her action is clearly an assault with a non-lethal weapon and is a crime. Had she and the other women walked towards any part of her “circle of hell,” the men would have let them through. Her reaction is the end result of years of indoctrination to hate Hareidim and is what is behind all the hysteria against these demonstrators.

    I obviously have no idea what will happen in the future but to date, the demonstrators have not physically assaulted anyone, male of female. They have not destroyed any property or hurled any objects at the police or anyone else. They have, however, been assaulted by policemen and passersby on innumerable occasions. This is all a result of the relentless indoctrination to hate Hareidim that has been one of the keystones of “Israeli” society since before the establishment of the State.

    I do not know what Rabbi Aurback hope to accomplish by these demonstration. From my perspective, what I see are citizens of a supposedly democratic State asserting their right to protest against the government and its laws. It is also clear from the reaction in the hareidi community and that of the general public that they have hit a very sensitive nerve. My hope is that the situation does not escalate into something truly dangerous.

  5. so interesting that you only bring her side…
    this place stinks of bias, but YWN will prbbly not post my posting… too scared!

    Modratores Note: Scared? No. Petrified!

  6. my daughter is a regular beis yaakov girl who was going home from school and had to pass by this mess in order to get home, she tried to stay as far away as possible but she got bumped into and pinched by these wild people. so i can only imagine that whatever they did to these soldiers they deserved the pepper spray

  7. Further point: there is no “right to protest” in a democracy. Even in the USA, where the Constitution guarantees freedom of assembly, protesters that adversely impact others excessively may be charged and convicted of disorderly conduct or disturbing the peace and sentenced to time in jail. (Usually a month plus).
    No one has the RIGHT to disturb or inconvenience the public, however justified the cause.

  8. Aryeh zelasko-

    “She does not say that she or the other women were ever physically attacker”

    Actually she says that the woman was being spit on. That counts as physically attacked.

    “Sue the abuser”

    Ha! Sure. Just walk up to the protesters and ask them for their info so she knows where to send the lawsuit.

    “Had she and the other women walked towards any part of her “circle of hell,” the men would have let them through”

    You mean the 40 or so men would have politely parted and let them through if only they said a simple ‘excuse me’. Right. One second they’re spitting on her and suddenly they’ll leave her alone. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.

    “Her reaction is the end result of years of indoctrination”

    Her reaction is the end result of a woman being surrounded by 40 ‘very brave men’ (I refuse to call them chareidim, as real chareidim would never attack a defenseless woman. I hesitate to even call them men)

    “citizens of a supposedly democratic State asserting their right to protest against the government and its laws”

    So they’re using the rights given to them as citizens of the state to protest against a state that they dont even want to recognize. Think about the hypocrisy while youre drinking the kool-aid.

  9. Is it only me do others also feel that the website has an agenda
    it is very generous on the part YWN to let the chayelet give her side of the story to be heard , but maybe it is only me who feels that we are getting one side of the story

  10. Arye babbles, “….There are forms of verbal abuse that are criminal and there are forms that are not….”
    Lawyerish, dreikup, grubbe – finger pilpullitis.

    “…They have not destroyed any property or hurled any objects at the police or anyone else….”

    “….Had she and the other women walked towards any part of her “circle of hell… blah, blah,”

    Apparently , you never had the nightmarish misfortune of wading through a pack of cursing, hissing, spitting circles of hell ( non-quotation marks are mine), and may you never experience it.

    Obviously, you and the laughing, singing gangs are brainwashed heartless Kool-Aid gulpers.

    “…My hope is that the situation does not escalate into something truly dangerous…”

    Translation: terrorize the citizens, destroy their day, keep spitting , burn garbage— but who knows? Somebody might react and escalate by physically reacting , and that’s truly dangerous for you tzaddikim.

  11. I am not even getting one side of the story I missed it what exactly happened to the soldierette that led her to believe that these people are animals or Satan incarnate she doesn’t tell us anything about what happened to her I thought this was hard telling her side of the story I am lost someone help me out here

  12. orange you glad: don’t lie that your daughter got pinched. no one is gonna touch your daughter. the peleg have that much yiras shomayim.
    yes, she might have been bumpled, and believe me, not on purpose…
    keep exaggerations out!!

  13. I generally ignore the ignorant babbling of those who hide under the rock of a infantile screen names but after reading some of this recent blather, I must wonder how many of you are really Goyish, Jew haters pretending to be Jews. Why are you afraid to use your real names and let the world know who you really are and what are your opinions? Are any of you educated or literate enough to actually have a rational discussion? I have notice that once other news sites required people to comment using their real name, your sort of childish dribble ended.

  14. Adocs and takes2
    No it’s called sarcasm.
    Sorry if I assumed a certain minimal amount of intelligence going on in here. I can’t help it. I can only shut off so much of my brain to envision how others may think.
    In the brave soldierette’s own words of description
    ”That’s when the real drama began. The second I walked in there, I walked into the circle of hell. This was a circle of human animals. The absurd thing is that they still allow themselves to wear kippot and have the audacity to call themselves Charedim.”

    Read that paragraph slowly. Give it five min. For reading comprehension.
    Then answer the following one difficult question
    What happened to the soldierett that showed her these people are animals ?

    Don’t make assumptions.
    This is supposedly a story where, ready? She TELLS her side of the story as to why she sprayed them with pepper spray.
    Not where she defames then and you supply the details.
    It’s called reading comprehension
    I think your school may have ripped you off. Ask for your tuition back (or is that another thread here)

  15. It’s scary the way some frum people are starting to lose their sense of right and wrong and are condoning wild, goyishe behavior. It’s scary that defense against this behavior is critisized.

    I agree that no frum person should be drafted to the army. But any protesting should only be a message to the Supreme Court who is the cause of problems. Therefore, they can protest in front of the Supreme Court building, not block roads putting innocent people in danger and stealing people’s time and causing anguish. Blocking roads and acting wild and out of control just causes massive chillul Hashem.

  16. > yoffi

    This article is a response to a previously released video. Your complaint is like someone complaining that after the prosecution finishes presentation we are then hearing “only” the defense side of the case.

  17. Aryeh, it is very sad that you are just looking at a story and commenting without thought….. Yes, they are a democracy and they should and have a right to protest. But why is their time more valuable then anyone else’s time? Stand on the side or get a permit and make the biggest peaceful protest you can, based on Hora’ah of Rav Aurbach!
    BUT, if they are true charedim l’dvar Hashem, how do they explain the gzeilas zman of Hundreds of people on the Rail line that could not get where they have to, because eth etrain was stopped, how to they explain surrounding a woman? how do they explain spitting at a human being? Did Rabbi Aurbach tell them to spit? Did Harav Aurbach tell them to steal people’s time, something that can never be returned?

    They are not charedim l’dvar HAshem they are charedim unfortunately to the satan. We should all have kavanah that Hashem give them da’as tro realize how to protest without hurting anyone, whether physically, emotionally…..

  18. Aryeh Zelasko wrote: “She says that they were being verbally abused, that is all”. Arye – would you be so cavalier if you heard that a large group of men had formed a ring around your wife or one of your daughters and had then proceeded to verbally abuse, curse and spit upon her?

  19. kluger yid, maybe you are right and she is talking out of hate, however, you claim to be smart, so I will ask you, does gzeilas zman not mean anything to charedim l’dvar Hashem? Look at the pictures, busses blocked, traffic stopped, trains not moving, because people feel they are more important than others, and therefore even if you or someone else has to get somewhere, they have an agenda and block you, is that right? you are also being one sided!

  20. Aaym
    simple question to answer
    And we answered it multiple times already
    But I will do so again for you.
    Streets are blocked all the time for various reasons and to various extents. Each time it is a judgement call.
    Personally I Don’t think streets should ever be closed for parades. All the issues raised in these posts apply equally there and for no real good reason. But I am not in charge so I suffer from it when it impacts me. Such is life
    It boils down to it being a judgement call as I said before and I don’t think any posters here can go head to head with RSA
    BTW I am not being one sided. I never gave an opinion if I would do such a thing.
    I am just being דן לכף זכות

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