Shas Faction Leader and Rabbi Ovadia’s Son Speak Out Against Yishai’s Statements

During a meeting of Shas faction of the Knesset, Hagaon HaRav Sholom Cohen discussed the claims made by Eli Yishai, that Aryeh Deri lied when he spoke about comments made by HaRav Ovadia Yosef. “I heard the lies made by these evil men about Aryeh Deri this morning, how can they not be embarrassed to speak this. They are spreading lies in the name of someone who is deceased. I hope that the great sage (Chacham Ovadia) will deal with them appropriately in heaven. How can they have the audacity to speak lies such as these.”

Rabbi Cohen continued his tirade. “Who knew our great sage HaRav Ovadia Yosef like I did. I worked directly with him for 70 years. I know better than anyone exactly what Rabbi Yosef thought about Aryeh Deri and how much he respected Deri. Rabi Yosef called me and told me that of his own volition he was replacing Eli Yishai and returning Aryeh Deri to the position of the head of the (Shas) faction. There were people who erroneously thought that I was the one who suggested the idea to Rabbi Yosef , this is a lie. Rabbi Yosef was the one who called me to his house to tell me that is what he had decided.”

Rabbi David Yosef , the son of Rabbi Ovadia also spoke negatively about Yishai’s comments. “My father recognized Yishai’s true colors towards the end of his life and he threw him out. He then appointed the person whom he needed to appoint,” said Rabbi David at Yeshivat Yechaveh Da’at. “He was the one who trampled Shas and split the party, something that was very dear to my father. Today, he speaks about divisiveness and separation? He speaks hatred, he speaks of elections, that is what he truly has on his mind.”

Numerous other members of the Shas central faction also spoke out against Yishai’s statements and his character during the session with Rabbi Cohen. So much so that it appears that the animosity within the party toward Yishai has reached a boiling point.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Why would R’ Cohen and the Shas leadership embrace a convicted felon who went to jail for accepting bribes and years later reportedly faked tears over Maran Ovadia’s passing using an ionion? And now we learn he and his wife are under police investigation again, this time for tax evasion. And people wonder why their is so much cynicism in EY regarding these rabbonim and political hacks when there are so many honest and capable leaders among the younger generation of Shas politicians.

  2. Gadolhadorah with all due respect it seems to me and I’d bet to man others that you would make a great satan. It seems like you never miss a beat on finding/fabricating fault with another yid, and i think you understand where that comes from.

  3. Joe shmoe. Your name is very befitting to you. Instead of facing the facts head on you try squash ing the messenger. Dont kill thr messenger just because the truth hurts. Be a man and accept the facts. He is a convicted felon and a deceiving personality.

  4. I’m not a Shasnik, but it’s entirely possible that Chacham Shalom Cohen has decided that since the Shulchan Aruch doesn’t disqualify people convicted in a non-halachic court that doesn’t rule according to Torah law, then there’s no reason to disqualify him from political office. I mean look at the caliber of some leading current U.S. politicians. Seeing that Aryeh Deri can bring out the votes — something that E:li Yishai did not manage to do in the last elections — perhaps Chacham Cohen has decided that Deri is the better choice. You disagree? Get on a plane and arrange a meeting with Chacham Cohen and air your grievances. You can’t or won’t? Then don’t criticize an Adam Gadol long distance on an English language website.

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