Daily Telegraph Reporter: If Palestinians Blocked Route 60, Police Would Respond With Overwhelming Force

The attached tweets are via Raf Sanchez, who is the Middle East correspondent for the Daily Telegraph U.K.

Sanchez began his string of tweets during the Peleg protests on Monday with the following:

“Ultra Orthodox protesters have totally blocked Rt 60, one of major roads in and out of Jerusalem”

“True fact: there is no way the police would let Palestinians block Route 60 without responding with immediate and overwhelming force.”

He continued documenting the scene throughout the afternoon, offering commentary with videos and photos attached to the tweets:

“The road is completely blocked in both directions. As yet, no sign of the police breaking it up”

“Haredi protesters stopping a police car. They’ve had one of Jerusalem’s busiest roads totally blocked for 30+ minutes”

“It is staggering to me the police have not cleared the protest out. It’s rush hour and the city is at a complete standstill.”

“Small number of cops trying to clear protesters.”

“Pretty ugly now.”

“Cops are not even trying to disperse the protesters, they’re just trying to open the road”

“Police are here in pathetically small numbers. They have no control over the situation.”

“Police look like they’re giving up for now. Walking away and leaving the protesters to stay.”

“Well over an hour into this protest and @IL_police have left the Haredim totally in control of the streets”

14 Responses

  1. Me thinks the cops or thier higher ups are hoping for civil war to break out ,which may not be a bad idea at this point. Sounds mean but the cops/ politicians are not doing anything and neither are the rabbis..

  2. I just passed there yesterday and saw police shooting sewer air on the street to disperse the crowds, the smell is so awful that 90% of the crowd left then the police started brutally beating the remaining ten percent.

  3. Sanchez may well be right however the question is, if he is why would the police react by responding with immediate and overwhelming force? The short answer is that hundreds of Palestinians rioting in Jerusalem would be a security threat. Hundreds of haredim rioting is a major unforgivable interference with civilian life but it is not a security threat.

  4. He is correct in his observation but there is one difference.

    A mob of Palestinians blocking a road won’t stop there rachmana litzlan

  5. If the Palestinians would have blocked Route 60. the Police would have definitely sorted it in order to protect lives, their own and those of the Israelis. Peleg, however misgiuded and irresposible are not murderers.

  6. Many of us here in Eretz Hakodesh would support overwhelming force. I can’t understand why the Police don’t simply use pepper spray. It’s non-lethal and short lasting.

  7. Palestinians start with street blocking and end with house burning and murder
    Orthodox start with street blocking and end with maariv and shwarma.
    Let’s see now.
    Why would the police feel the need to do what it takes to disperse Palestinians but not haraidim ?
    They like Shwarma ?
    Orthodox wear skullcaps ?
    Also not
    Police want a minyan?
    Strike three
    It’s because,, ready?
    If they don’t break up the animals then there will be carnage mayhem and murder.
    But if they don’t break up the orthodox, they will eventually go away on their own.
    Put that in your pipe Mr Sanchez and smoke it

  8. he’s 100% correct! One of the differences though are by Palestinian protests the lives of all the motorists are in danger, from all the video clips it seems like these protesters are even afraid of raising an arm against the police. Only in few cases do you see any touching of a police officer. Soo all you good meaners, please leave your disgusting biases home. I would expect Yair Lapid to make these statements. After all, he’s the instigator of all this. When he campaigned it was at the time if the occupy wall street era (equality), the protests in Israel was likewise regarding equality, ie only the rich can live in tel aviv, afford many other things while the rest are poor. Then came Yair and said equality vs charedis. and all the media jumped on the bandwagon. same for all the above accusers. Shame on you!

  9. This article is in fact not news worthy. In my opinion his distortion places it into the category of “FAKE NEWS”. Here’s why:

    1) “Ultra Orthodox protesters have TOTALLY blocked Rt 60, one of major roads in and out of Jerusalem”

    FACT: If you view all the videos carefully you’ll realize that the vast majority of the protesters were actually standing on the sidewalks and not blocking the street.

    2) “True fact: there is no way the police would let Palestinians block Route 60 without responding with immediate and overwhelming force.”

    FACT: The reason the police would be out in full force if Arabs protested is not due to “racial profiling” as he is insinuating, but rather because “Arabs hold violent protests with intent to kill”. They come out with rocks and slingshots, glass bottles, and at times guns with full intent to kill, maim and cause serious damage. Chareidi protesters, on the other hand, are not out to kill and a “violent protest” by them significantly pales in comparison. I’m sure there were no drivers passing by that feared that they would possibly be pulled out from their car and lynched as would be the concern in an Palestinian protest.

    3) “The road is completely blocked in both directions. As yet, no sign of the police breaking it up”

    FACT: His statement insinuates that there were thousands of of protesters crowding the streets. In fact if you look closely at the videos you will realize that at best there are a couple of hundred (perhaps 200-300 people max). In order to trick your minds to believe the crowd is much larger than it is he uses several videography techniques (notice that he uses close up shots that are slightly angled. He also uses short angle panning. Notice he pans to the left, but careful not to pan all the way to the left. This is done to prevent you from seeing where the crowd actually ends. Also, he spends no effort to show you how far back the crowd extends. All this is done intentionally.)
    Furthermore, Route 60 is EXTREMELY wide. There are three sections to it. Two lanes min for each direction that are separated by an island that accommodates for two train tracks. It would literally take several thousands of people to effectively block that road in both directions. (You can google map search “Leonardo Hotel Jerusalem” on St. George St., and then drop the little man icon onto the yellow route 60 line and keep on moving him up the road until you see a truck dealership. That’s the location were the videos were taken).
    Perhaps you’ll tell me “so maybe there were thousands of protesters there?”. To that I ask you, ” why then can I not find any other media outlet covering this specific protest other than this guy’s twitter page and YWN?” Seems that such a large turnout should have gained a lot of coverage, don’t you think?

    4) “Haredi protesters stopping a police car. They’ve had one of Jerusalem’s busiest roads totally blocked for 30+ minutes”

    FACT: One guy is in the way of the police car for less than two seconds and it’s not clear if that was intentional or not because his back was facing the vehicle and he was busy fidgeting with his cell phone. As soon as he is aware of the vehicle he moved without confrontation. How did that all of a sudden become ““Haredi protesters (mind you that’s written with an “s” to signify “plural”) stopping a police car.”??? Of course, he’ll just brush that off as a “TYPO”.

    5) “Small number of cops trying to clear protesters.”; “Cops are not even trying to disperse the protesters, they’re just trying to open the road”; “Police are here in pathetically small numbers. They have no control over the situation.”; “Police look like they’re giving up for now. Walking away and leaving the protesters to stay.”

    FACT: Anybody in Israel that has experienced a protest in progress knows that if there is any great concern regarding a protest the cops would be out in great numbers, tear gas would be used if necessary, and several arrests would most likely be made (as happened in several other locations that day). If there were only a handful of cops then it is a sign that the Police department did not feel the disturbance was significant enough.



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