TRAGEDY: Ram In Yeshivas Knesses Yehuda Niftar On Shabbos Moments After Receiving Aliya On 11th Yartzheit Of Daughter

In between Kriyas Hatorah and Mussaf, HaRav Chaim Malin, a Ram in Yeshivas Knesset Yehuda in Yerushalayim, lost consciousness and collapsed while davening in Yeshiva Knesses Yitzchak in Modi’in Illit. United Hatzalah EMS volunteers were called in to treat the Rabbi, however, following extensive and lengthy resuscitative efforts that lasted two hours, the visiting Rabbi was R”L pronounced dead at the scene.

According to reports in the Israeli press, Rabbi Melin was visiting his son for Shabbos and just moments before had received the third Aliyah to the Torah. During his Aliyah, he broke out in tears as it commemorated the 11th yartzeit of his daughter.

During the lengthy CPR, the entire congregation joined together under the instruction of Rabbi Shimon Novick, the Rosh Yeshiva, and said Tehillim.

After Shabbos ended, Zaka teams contacted the police in order to obtain an release for the body without an autopsy in order to bury Rabbi Malin on Motzei Shabbos.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(YWN Israel Newsdesk – Jerusalem)


5 Responses

  1. I think both he and his brother Isser learned in Lakewood in the 1970s, and they were einiklach of the Brosker dayan, Rav Simcha Zelig

  2. He was a great tzadik. His name was Reb Chaim Malin from Sanhedria Murchevet, son of Reb Meir zatza”l of Brisk. He loved everyone and everyone felt Chizuk from just being around him. He was mikabel everything b’ahavoh. He will be sorely missed. יהי זכרו ברוך

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