Is the Peleg Tzibur Separating Itself from the Khal?

Even when the split in Degel Hatorah occurred; yes; there was anger, disagreement, confusion, as well as the tangible split, but at the end of the day, most viewed the Peleg members as part of the inclusive ‘bnei torah’ tzibur.

However, as the ferocity of Peleg-sponsored protests continue, there is a growing sentiment among the Degel litvish tzibur to publicly separate from the Peleg as clearly, the nation is judging the entire chareidi tzibur as a result of the violence aired by the media at these protests.

Some are calling for the use of teargas or rubber bullets as police are pelted with stones and foreign objects, while others lament the reality that persons who spend their time immersed in limud torah, are capable of such behavior – calling police “Nazis”.

The decision to declare Thursday, 29 Tishrei a “Day of Rage”, taken from the PA (Palestinian Authority) many feel, is distasteful and simply unacceptable for bnei torah, questioning the deterioration in the conduct maintained at the protests during recent days.

The change at present may be minor, perhaps barely palpable, but it exists and terms like “extremists” or the Peleg element” are now more commonplace as the Degel Hatorah tzibur want the nation to realize it is not a part of the protests, nor do the rabbonim shlita endorse or approve of them in anyway. Quite the contrary, the rabbonim shlita, headed by Gedolei Hador, are firmly against such violence and the behavior seen this week at protests.

Signs are beginning to appear as well, as seen in this article, attempting to point out true chareidim do not block streets or act in an offensive fashion.

WATCH THIS: Peleg Protesters Vs ‘Shiksa’

WATCH THIS: Angry Peleg Protester Berates Elderly Irreligious Israeli; Where Are Your Tzitis?!

GRIDLOCK IN JERUSALEM: Tens Of Thousands Stranded Following Peleg Protests

CIVIL WAR? Irreligious Israelis Have Fist Fights With Peleg Protesters In Jerusalem

SHOCKING FOOTAGE: Peleg Protesters Refuse To Allow Ambulance On An Emergency Call To Pass

WATCH: Dozens Of Peleg Protesters Arrested By Police

WATCH: Angry Motorist Strikes Peleg Protester With His Vehicle

Peleg Protesters Hold Their ‘Day of Rage’ Blocking Roads Across Israel [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

Nine Peleg Talmidim Wanted by Military Police in Custody: Protests Continue on Thursday

WATCH THIS: Egged Bus Stuck At Peleg Protests Turns Into ‘Shteeblach’ For Maariv Minyanim

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Right, since when does a Yid behave like all this? Protests and blocking roads, attacks on police and agmas nefesh to the general public. That’s all goyishe behaviour as far as I’m concerned. All כוחי ועוצם ידי.

  2. I have some simple suggestions:

    * Anyone arrested in any of these protests is banned from ever being permitted to receive any form of government programs.
    * The yeshivos that permit their students to riot will permanently lose all forms of government support.
    * Shadchanim should inquire about the “Peleg” history of boys, and refuse to propose shidduchim for these boys.
    * There should be mandatory sentences that are far longer than the few weeks for this.
    * There should be no option for government paid attorneys to defend these animals in court.
    * Upon release from jail, they must be taken directly to the induction office, given their uniform and assignment. No option for a hesder program.

    I am all in favor of learning. But these חיות were not serious enough about learning to spend their days of bein hazmanim having fun doing bad things to people. No one needs to bend over backwards to support their learning. It is a shanda that the beis hamedrash is not being used for learning but to hide from the IDF.

  3. Better late then never.
    Does anyone know what the real gedolim have been up to?
    I would have expected some guidence buy now….

  4. And I will gladly second The Little I Know’s suggestions. Not mentioned is how many people outside of the chareidi world, including solidly frum people, have now associated the behavior of the Pelegs with all chareidim. Guaranteed, these are not the top guys in yeshiva, or they wouldn’t be causing so much trouble to people who have nothing to do with them.

  5. they should be kicked out of yeshivos and kollelim, oh they have been already
    their women should lose their jobs, oh they have already
    their children shouldn’t be accepted into schools or seminaries, oh that’s happened already
    who has split from whom?
    the ahavas yisrael between frum menschen !

  6. The little that you know is right – I suspect that you don’t live in E”Y or understand the matzav and are getting your info from YWN footage – the process of getting a dichui for yeshiva bochurim and yungeleit has become increasingly more difficult – the protesters are by and large non-violent (with a very few sick exceptions). I don’t think you really mean that “there should be mandatory sentences that are far longer than the few weeks for this.”, considering that teen Arab terrorists barely sit in jail. And since supposedly we are a democracy, everyone, even demented batlan bochurim are entitled to legal defense. Save your rage for the real Rishaim.

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