Mayor Of PA-Occupied Areas Of Hebron To Turn To High Court To Stop Construction

Following Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced that his government will be constructing thousands of housing units in areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron. This was met by a threat from PA (Palestinian Authority) Mayor of the autonomous area of Hebron, who plans to take his opposition to Israel’s High Court of Justice in the hope of preventing Israeli construction of thirty new housing units in Hebron. The PA mayor is hopeful the left-wing liberal court justices will see his viewpoint and intercede to prevent the building of the new homes for the Jewish community.

As reported earlier by YWN-ISRAEL, the final approval for the homes in Hebron and other areas including; Beit El, Kfar Etzion, the Southern Hebron Hills and Tekoa, is expected next week.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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