Electric Bicycle Accidents Continue to Plague Holiday Season in Israel

Electric bicycle accident, (Illustration) (Credit: United Hatzalah)

Electric Bicycles have once again caused serious injury in Israel. This time a 10-year-old child was riding an electric bicycle on Rashbi Street in Modi’in Illit when he slipped and suffered a serious head contusion as well as injuries to his upper body. United Hatzalah volunteers from the city provided first aid for the boy at the scene of the accident. The boy was listed as being in moderate condition.

In another incident, a 15-year-old boy who was riding his electric bicycle near the town of Aviel in northern Israel had to be airlifted to hospital after he was seriously injured when he was hit by a car on his bicycle. He was sedated and receiving respiratory assistance during his evacuation to Rambam Hospital in Haifa.

Magen David Adom paramedics said regarding the incident: “When we arrived at the scene we saw a  young boy aged 15 on the side of the road unconscious. In a field at the side of the road, we saw his electric bicycle which had been thrown during the accident. We began providing first aid to the boy and requested that a helicopter be sent to evacuate the boy to hospital.”

Electric bicycle accident, (Illustration) (Credit: United Hatzalah)

3 Responses

  1. i dont know if this has to do with anything but many israeli kids dont wear helmets. no matter what kind of bike you are riding – an electric one or a regular one you must wear a helmet

  2. What does “electric” have to do with this cycling tragedy ?
    The need to share the road with automobiles makes riding bikes a risky endeavor.
    Whether the bike has a motor or not doesn’t make it more or less so.

  3. I thought it was illegal to ride an electric bike in Israel under the age of 16 ????

    Have you noticed how few children wear helmets in Israel ????

    My heart just breaks for their parents.

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