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Neturei Karta Calls Death Of 19 Terrorists By IDF “Massacre”

nk21.jpgThe Jerusalem Post is reporting the latest press release from Neturei Karta – who have condemned “the recent Zionist terrorist massacre” in Gaza.

They were referring to the recent death of 19 Arab terrorists – as reported HERE on YWN.

The statement read, “Anti-Zionist Jews condemn the Zionists in no uncertain terms for their violent and bloodthirsty behavior.”

“We cannot understand why great world powers seem to give the Zionists a free hand to commit such crimes against the indigenous Palestinian people from the comfort of their F-16 fighter jets, helicopter gun ships and Merkava tanks.”

It went on to call on “great world powers” to “restore the rights of the Palestinians throughout historic Palestine.”

The statement concluded: “Zionism is doomed! The Zionist regime is doomed! The Holy Land will be restored to Palestinians! It’s not a matter of “if” but only “when!”

34 Responses

  1. The Neturei Karta wackos are mechaliley shamayim befarhesya. V’ain lohem cheylek laolam haba. The best thing for them to do is dress up like neo-nazis so that they do not G-d forbid remotely resemble Jews. These people are the modern day meraglim. I wish the earth would swallow them up.

  2. “And as the public appetite for fresh news drives the media to embellish and fabricate non-events into major happenings, individuals who are wholly undeserving of attention become the focus of elaborate public recognition.”

    -written by R’Lipshutz two stories below this one on YW, re the american elections

  3. The Nazis YM”Sh said the same thing. Oh, I forgot, Friedman hugged and kissed the President of Holocaust Deniers, the President of Iran.

  4. “The Holy Land will be restored to Palestinians! It’s not a matter of “if” but only “when!”

    yw: do you believe in Moshiach?
    nk: of course!
    yw: do you believe he can come at any time?
    nk: of course!
    yw: even right now?
    nk: yes! G-d willing
    yw: and whom do you think he will give the land of Israel to??
    nk: ???????

  5. guesswho

    ERLICHER YIDDEN??????????? What ERLICHER Yidden??? Surely not members of Neturei Karta???

    Well said Feviel…thanks for another interesting & amusing post…

  6. Definition: Indigenous peoples, population groups with ancestral connections to a place prior to formally recorded (i.e. written) history.
    Do they really believe this?

  7. About a year ago I read a very interesting article in the 5 Towns Jewish times by Rabbi Aryeh Zev Ginzberg of the Chofetz Chaim Torah Center contrasting the Neturei Karta of today to the Neturei Karta of old. (The theme of the article was Daas Torah in general.)

  8. I don’t chap the poster the guy is holding. Comparing israel to nazis ymh .so just like the holocost never happened (according to them) israel never either happened

  9. perhaps it is time for Medinat Yisrael to cut funding to those who do not wish that Israel has the right to exist. I know that the Neturei Karta , as well as many other Haredi groups; would not be a member of the IDF. Perhaps if funding ( money ) was not available to these groups Israel would have less problems from within. Let them go any where else in the world.

  10. Can someone please explain something to me: We have so many gevaldega organizations that could do almost anything. They arrange for anything throught the world for yiddedn. Why can’t we come up with some way to put an and to these meshugana rodfim?

  11. Brumfin – 20
    Do you have any opinion of your own? are you going to tell us what the article is about? Do you really understand Daas Torah? Pls Rply

  12. Forgetting about NK, Rav Amnon Yitzchak shlit”a said that Yishmael would take over Eretz Yisroel for 9 months. Rav Yeruchem Olshin shlit”a also brought down in a shmuz that they would gain control before Moshiach in the merit of the mila that Yishmael did.

    All the events in Eretz Yisroel and in the world show how Hakadosh Boruch Hu is preparing for this time.

    We need to do teshuva, mechazek ourselves in Torah and be mispallel to Hashem that we are saved among the rest of Klal Yisroel.

    I am in no way justifying NK. They are acting without daas torah and are therefore doing crazy and evil things.

  13. Is this the REAL neturei Karta or the Friedman crazies?

    Not the Friedman crazies actually as Friedman is not even a member of any NK organization (unless all these freaks are really multiple personalities of silly little Moishele), but most probably the Hirsch gang if they are in EY. Moishe Hirsch, who now has Alzheimer’s (probably IMPROVES his thinking skills) was the Minister of Jewish Affairs in the PA cabinet led by the tzoirer mit der checkeres schmatte ymach shmo.

  14. The Following was an ad in the New York Times Last Week and was not paid by Netura kartei this is what thousand of people are holding and paying for it including thousands of satmar people over the world:

    Consistently, throughout the peace process
    in the Middle East, various Jewish religious
    organizations and parties have raised their
    voices in opposition to the return of territories
    to the Arabs, issuing statements that,
    according to the Torah, Jews are forbidden to
    give up any land in the Holy Land (especially
    part of Jerusalem).
    Accordingly, it has become a commonplace
    that religious Jews are supportive of stopping
    the peace process. In the public mind, the
    policies of these parties became synonymous
    with Torah Doctrine. Moreover, they are
    portrayed in the media as “ultra-nationalists”
    willing to exchange “peace” for “land”.
    This impression is utterly false. All forms
    of Zionism, be they secular or religious, are
    inherently antithetical to the teaching of our
    faith! The great sages and saints of our people
    have always been opposed to the existence of
    the Zionist State. Indeed, when an obscure
    Viennese journalist first challenged the Torah
    approach to exile and redemption, over one
    hundred years ago, he was immediately
    attacked by the Torah sages of that time.
    Those orthodox Jews who support the Israeli
    state and “Greater Israel” are falsifiers of Torah
    doctrine. They have abandoned the principles
    of their predecessors.
    The harm of observant Jews supporting
    the Zionist state is compounded by the Israeli
    government’s consistent, public rebellion
    against G-d’s kingship. It is a state which
    constantly violates Torah law, and actively
    seeks to persecute its observers, via, cemetery
    desecrations, autopsies, drafting of women,
    etc. Accordingly, when observant Jews wax
    enthusiastic over the state and its leaders,
    it creates a monstrous desecration of G-d’s
    Torah true Jews who have remained loyal
    to their ancestral faith are not “nationalists”
    who desire land at the price of peace.
    Throughout history, dating back to Temple
    days, the faithful Jews have opposed secular,
    militaristic solutions to Jewish problems. In
    Israel today these Jews do not participate in
    the electoral process of the Zionist state, nor
    do they accept its financial benefits. Frequently
    ignored by the media, they number in the
    hundreds of thousands worldwide. Yet, it is
    they who have remained firmly devoted to
    Judaism as received and taught throughout
    the millennia.

    It is in their name that we restate the fundamental beliefs of our faith

    Torah Jewry sees its exile from the holy
    land as the result of a Divine decree. The land
    was given to us according to G-D’s will, and
    when our sins accumulated we were exiled
    from it. This exile is in essence a spiritual state
    that cannot and must not be remedied by
    temporal means. Until G-D chooses to redeem
    us, we are commanded by Him to live as
    cooperative, law abiding and patriotic citizens
    in our countries of residence. Accordingly,
    the Jewish people have no “claim” to the Holy
    Land at present. They have no right to conquer
    or to rule over it.
    Clearly, the creation of the state of Israel
    in 1948 was in no way a fulfillment of the
    Jewish people’s millennial long yearning
    for redemption. It was a bizarre, secularist
    substitute for that redemption.
    The doctrine of constantly leading the
    Jewish people into confrontations with other
    nations is the dogma of Zionism not of the
    Holy Torah. We are commanded by G-D to
    live in dignity and piety wherever Providence
    has so ordained.

    Therefore, we declare that the Zionist state of Israel is not the legitimate representative of
    our people. Our position on the ceding of land is quite simple: Any Jewish sovereignty over
    the Holy Land before the Messianic Epoch is sinful and sure to lead to tragedy. And it is
    certainly absurd to sacrifice even one human life for this illegitimate state.
    May all mankind be worthy of true Redemption when the “Swords will be beaten into
    plowshares” and G-D’s Glory will fill the world.

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