Early on Tuesday morning, B’Hadrei Haredim uncovered a letter written by secular community council members from the “Yovelim” community council in Jerusalem. The Yovelim community council oversees community programs and activities for residents in the neighborhoods of Kiryat Yovel, Ir Ganim A and B, and parts of Ein Kerem. The neighborhoods border the Charedi neighborhood of Bayit Vegan, surrounding it on three sides. There are dozens of Charedi families living in the jurisdiction of the Yovelim community council who, according to the report have been threatened with not receiving services unless their demands are met.

The major demand of the community council is that Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat send the council a letter in writing stating that the advances by Charedi residents to acquire buildings for schools and synagogues in the neighborhoods will be refused. Additionally, the council demands that council-run community centers, as well as cultural hotspots in the community, be allowed to be open on Shabbat for the secular residents who wish to use them.
Eliezer Rauchberger who heads the United Torah Judaism (UTJ) faction in the Jerusalem city council was astounded by the “Chutzpah and gall that the Yovelim council expressed against the Charedi population of the neighborhood.”
Rauchberger said: “This document is shocking, disrespectful, evil and offensive. It was written by evil people who are unwilling to accept the demographic truth that Kiryat Yovel is a mixed neighborhood, and the Charedi populace that lives there should receive local council services just like everyone else.”
Jerusalem City Council Member Yochanan Weitzman responded to the Yovelim Council’s demands by saying that “The demand to allow legal infractions in opening cultural centers on Shabbat, which is illegal in the city, teaches us about the antagonistic nature of the people who made these demands. The community council’s refusal to open schools for children who live in their neighborhoods outrages anyone whose heart is pumping in their chests. We should quite likely bring people who make such demands and those who support them up on legal charges.The complete lack of understanding and feelings of other people put into question whether or not these people should be allowed to work as public servants at all.”
Another Jerusalem City Council Member, Yisrael Kellerman said that “This message should be ignored. Who are these people who think that they can dictate a mandated law that is above even the Jerusalem City Council to decide? How come they feel they get to dictate the lives of Charedim living in this city? It is nonsense and should be ignored. Charedim need a place to live just like everyone else, and they shouldn’t be ignored by a community council just for being who they are. It is preposterous.”