Sukkat Shalom? Elderly Man Light’s Neighbor’s Sukkah on Fire

An 80-year-old man was detained by police after he allegedly set his neighbor’s sukkah on fire. The report that came to the police, was that a sukkah was on fire on Livorno St. in Bat Yam. Officers who arrived at the scene discovered that the alleged arsonist was none other than the sukkah owner’s 80-year-old neighbor.

According to a police spokesperson, officers took the elderly gentleman into custody. The elderly man apparently told the police during questioning that the reason he set the sukkah on fire was that he “didn’t like where it was placed.” After the elderly person saw that the Sukkah was built in the location after he spoke to the owner and asked him not to put it there, he apparently decided to burn it down.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I can feel for this 80 year old man. I have a neighbor who build his succah out side of my bedroom window.

    There have been years of asking them not to work so late building it; this year the boys were out motzei yom Kippur until 2AM banging.
    They have their loud family gatherings in it late at night and it disturbs my wife and I. How many time I have spoken to the father; a frum talmud chachum who decided to learn Kabbalah in the succah with his chavrusa and disturb us.

    Don’t think I am making this up. My neighbor gets much kavod, wears a long coat etc and I am a simple yid who believes in treating everyone nicely. What can I do?

    So if this 80 year old burnt down his neighbor’s succah; I feel for him.

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