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The Tragedy On The Israeli Roads Continues…..

hatzolah israel1.jpgIn 119 accidents that occurred throughout Israel today, one person died and 153 people were injured: 4 seriously, 5 moderately, and 144 lightly injured.

No one seems to have an answer as to why so many accidents occur daily in Israel.
One of the theories is that every one is in a rush to get to their destination so they fail to give the right-of-way to the other driver.

It may be due to the fact that many drivers have cellular phones with them. Even when they are using a speaker-phone, the fact that they are engaged in a conversation affects their concentration.

Or it could be that people are very frustrated about what is happening with the kassam rocket attacks in the southern part of Israel. Some people might be taking out their frustrations on the roads.

We are all surely hopeful and praying for a full recovery for all the injured people in Israel.

(Source: Hatzolah Israel)

20 Responses

  1. I’ll shed some light on the situation.
    I live in israel, road rules dont tend to be obeyed here, people think they road was made them and i’m first and everybody else can wait, furthermore people tend not to wear seatbelts and they put more people in the car then there are seatbelts. they talk on the phone while they drive, they dont respect road rules that are there to save lives, just they think they are a hassle and inconveniance.
    There are no problems with the road rules, just they are not inforced.
    I will give you an exmample everyday i see a parent squashing in as many kids and they can into a car knowing that isnt enough seatbelts and the kids are also jumping up and down doing a great job distracting the driver!!!!!!!!!!!
    ונשמרתם מעוד את נפשותכם…

  2. Never in my life have I seen the reckless and dangerous type of driving that occurs in Israel. People regularly go over the double line against ONCOMING TRAFFIC in order to pass cars in front of them! And this is considered normal. Who ever heard of such a thing? This is a recipe for disaster that, unfortunately, has cost too many Jewish lives. Every time I’m on the highways in Israel, even for a short journey, I constantly read Tehillim due to the vast amount of danger on Israel’s roads.

  3. Rav Shmuel Vosner, SHLITA, recently put out a statement that, in his opinion, the outbreak of road accidents is a direct result of the many “MaZiKin–Avenging Angels–that are created by the lack of public morality on the streets and highways of Secular Israel.

  4. The reason that so many die from car accidents is that we are still being punished from the sin of the “Meraglim.” The fact that they said “Eretz Yochlai es Yoshveha” is wht Eretz Yisroel has the number one fatalities in the world from car accidents and drownings.

  5. “No one seems to have an answer as to why so many accidents occur daily in Israel.” is there anyone that DOESN’T know????

  6. VERY SIMPLE: the “Israeli People” innately are very IMMATURE. immaturity is the root of most social problems in Israel. The road danger issue has got nothing to do with knowing how to drive, it is simply owing to the prevalent immaturity (ga’avah) amongst the secular Jews in Eretz Yisroel and those influenced by their ways.

  7. This is one of the reasons for Dina D’malchuta dina. As yidden disregard civil laws in many spheres, especially economic, they learn to disregard other as well. Traffic laws however, affect their safety. This disregard involes and impacts both frum and non frum – hence the high accident rate.
    As to the attribution of causation to immorality, how does he know it is not from chillul shabbos, or kashrus etc.?

  8. I have trouble accepting that this is a social issue that revolves around secular ideals. From my experience, disregard of civil norms is a problem throughout society. Personally, I find secular motorists a safer lot than frum yidleich who sometimes drive with full faith in the protective powers of Tfillath Haderech.

  9. To #4 and #9 –
    It must be so convenient to have secular Jews to be able to blame for all of life’s woes. Get real. Grow up.

  10. After reading some of the post put up by people who I am guessing are frum Jews, I was shocked.
    How could one possibly say that secular Israelis are the cause of the terrible accidents? As a frum Jew, I am embarrassed and disgusted that any person could possibly think such things.
    If you think that certain malachim or non-frum Jews are to blame, then why did Hamodia, a frum newspaper, print numerous articles on the constant reckless driving that occurs in predominantly frum neighborhoods? After numerous people,including children had been tragically being killed at the Bar Ilan and Shmuel Hanavi intersection, why did the government only extend that intersection to reduce fatalities and not other busy intersections in non-religious neighborhoods?
    I live in Israel and time after time, when I see a near miss of something horrible about to take place, 8 out of 10 times it is a frum Jew behind the wheel or running into the street because they can’t take 20 seconds to wait for the green cross sign.
    And non-frum people are the blame for the accidents? Are you kidding me?
    The reason why there are so many accidents is that people,frum,non-frum,muslim,whoever, have accepted the fact that in Israel it is ok to drive and act however you want when it comes to your safety. Everyone thinks that they can just say Shema and they will not be held accountable for their reckless behavior.
    I hope whoever the idiots are who posted such nonsense removes it immediately. I would hate for a bal-te-shuva to see something like that and get offended. As a religious Jew, it has certainly offended me.

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