High Court Justice Solberg Attended 50th Anniversary Event Making The Liberation Of Gush Etzion

Alon Shvut resident High Court Justice Noam Solberg was among those dignitaries in attendance last week, participating in the golden anniversary of the liberation of Gush Etzion from Jordanian occupation during the June 1967 Six Day War. The event became politicized by High Court Justice Miriam Naor announced she would not attend, nor would she be sending an official representative, in line with her left-wing hashkafa. Naor explained the event was a “matter of controversy” and therefore, it would not be proper for the court to participate.

Justice Neil Hendel followed Naor’s lead and announced he too would not be attending, despite having planned to participate in the event.

When asked about Solberg attending, the Court’s Administration explained Justice Solberg and his family were attending as private citizens and not as official representatives of the High Court so there was no issue with his participation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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