TRAGIC: Ashkelon Girl Who Returned To Judaism Is Now Back To Islam R”L

YWN-ISRAEL recently reported on the story of Noi Sheetrit, from Ashkelon, who converted to Islam on Har Habayis, and then later, due to the efforts of the Lehava organization, left her Bedouin husband and returned to Yiddishkheit.

At first, Sheetrit exclaimed she is back to living as a Jewish woman. On erev Rosh Hashanah, Bentzion Gupstein of Lehava and Sheetrit contacted one another via WhatsApp, Channel 10 News reports. Gupstein praised her for being willing to take the step to return. She stated, “I have no way to show my thanks and appreciation”.

On Sunday, 4 Tishrei, Sheetrit posted a photo with her and her Bedouin husband R”L, explaining she has returned to him. Gupstein explained there are no regrets and they will assist any Jewish woman seeking assistance. He then blocked her number on his phone.

On a positive note, he explained after advertising her success, they have extricated four additional women from Arab villages and they are currently living in safe homes. They have begun dealing with 16 additional cases that arrived. Regarding Sheetrit, he added, for the time being they have not been successful but they have not given up hope by any means.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. Not good. I hope only for the best but now those filthy Arabs know that she managed to escape already once…they should have had someone stand guard over her so that she wouldn’t run back to those pigs

  2. When I first saw that story I thought the whole becoming Jewish again ceremony seemed very strange. Her conversion to Islam also seemed pretty informal. Clearly she has issues.

  3. am I the only who noticed where he blocked her number from her phone???? if he “hasn’t given up hope by any means” then why would he block her number? I would like to think even if it’s a 1% chance she comes back he would leave that open to her….besides for the fact that it contradicts what he stated after……and if by blocking her number doesn’t mean he cut her off from his help then why even state that he blocked her number????? I am by no means questioning the person or the organization just seems odd what has been stated here.

  4. again not questioning wether he should or shouldn’t break off contact the question is he clearly stated that he wasn’t giving up hope…that action is a contradiction.

  5. U said it once I said it again this woman needs help. She clearly is a attention seeker and will go wherever she will receive more attention. Sad.

  6. Why are all the people calling her mentally ill the same people who don’t think she deserves to be helped? Does mental illness disqualify a person from basic human rights?

  7. She definitely needs psychiatric help. And if her exposure to yiddishkeit was this welcome back ceremony and similar rituals then it’s no wonder that she left in the first place. Is being mekabel Ol Malchus Shomayim some type of enchantment?

  8. Jewish men beat their wives too: my Jewish husband tried to slap me; unfortunately for him, he’d forgotten i’d been a karate instructor…

  9. Some peculair comments on this post. Why should she be defined as mentally ill – unless one wishes to define every sinner as such (as per chazal), bit if so, we are all mentally ill to some degree. Yetser hara is an extremely pervasive and persuasive force that blinds us from seeing the folly of following it in the first place, and then imbues us with superhuman powers of illogical reasoning to justify what we did. Given her background, she is fighting it with both hands behind her back.
    I am surprised, though, that her husband welcomed her back, because Muslims actually kill apostates – which is what she now is in their eyes.
    We can only pray that he treats her like a good Muslim treats his wife, and she will then come running back for help.

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