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MDA Emergency Number for Uman During Rosh Hashanah

Magen David Adom announces the activation of its emergency number for Uman for Rosh Hashanah – 0-800-200-101.

As tens of thousands are expected to arrive in the coming days and hours to spend Rosh Hashanah at the tziyun of Rav Nachman ZT”L ZY”L, MDA announces the activation of its emergency number, which can be called for assistance at no charge.

In Magen David Adom, a special command post was opened, which sits at MDA’s national center and from which the complex operation is conducted,

When the call is made for medical assistance, the call will be routed (without charge to the dialer) to the Magen David Adom headquarters in Israel, the center will provide initial instructions while on-call units are activated and begin their response.

At the same time as the drives are launched, MDA will send the ambulance that was specially flown from Israel to Uman. MDA has been and remains in contact with area hospitals and government agencies to provide the maximum care possible during Yomtov and the days preceding it.

Avi Hovav, Deputy Director of the Jerusalem Region in MDA said: “As a result of lessons learned from previous years, MDA decided this year to increase preparations for the arrival of tens of thousands of people to Uman. In order to provide an initial response to every emergency, in recent months we have been training and certifying local residents in first response and as EMTs to provide maximum care. They have been outfitted with equipment including automated defibrillators.

As mentioned above, MDA opened he emergency number line at no cost to the dialer, permitting him direct contact to MDA. 0-800-200-101 (free of charge).

Persons are nonetheless urged to download the My MDA app from Android to provide the fastest response in case of an emergency.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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