On The Eve Of Rosh Hashanah, The Population Of Israel Is 8,743,000

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), as Rosh Hashanah approaches the population of Israel is 8,743,000. Since Rosh Hashanah 5777, the population increased by about 156,000 and the CBS predicts the population will reach 10 million by 2024. The total population includes 6.523 million Jews (74.6%), 1.824 million Arabs (20.9%) followed by “others” numbering 396,000 (4.5%).

There are 2,470,2000 households, with the average household numbering 3.31 persons. 172,000 babies were born in the closing year as compared to 43,000 deaths. In addition, 62,821 couples were wed and there were 26,000 new immigrants with 57% from the FSU, 17% from France and 11% from the USA.

2.2 million students are part of the education system, including 517,000 in nurseries, 1 million in elementary school, 713,000 above elementary. The CBS predicts the number of students nationwide will be 1.85 million in 2021.

As always, officials record the names and release the most popular boy’s name, which among Jews is (more to less popular) Yosef, Uri, Omer and Daniel. The most popular boy’s name among babies born this year was Mohammad. Tamar leads for the girls while leading among Jewish girl’s area Tamar, Miriam, Sara, Abigail.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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