Teen Girls Arrested After Affixing Stickers Near Entrance Of Har Habayis

Teenage girls, 14, spent the night in jail after the five were apprehended affixing “Enough Administrative Orders” stickers near an entrance to Har Habayis. Three of the group refused to sign a willingness to stay away from the locale and spent the night in jail as a result. Honenu reports that there were questioned in violation of the law on Monday morning, 27 Elul.

Questioning of a minor demands the authorization of an officer as by law, they are entitled to have their parents present. Nevertheless, they were instructed to sign agreeing to be distanced from the Old City. The two girls who signed the police document were released by themselves at 3:00AM. The others, who refused to sign, were held overnight.

Honenu has taken the cases of the girls, points out their rights were violated as they were questioned illegally, then release alone in the middle of the night.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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