SHOCKING FOOTAGE: Israeli Police Violently Beat Unarmed Chareidi Protesters Who Closed Street At Protest

As YWN reported earlier, protests were held on Sunday in Yerushalayim, as the crowd demanded the release of a grandson of the Toldos Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe. Avraham Yitzchak Taub resides in New York, and was arrested upon his arrived at Ben-Gurion Airport about two weeks ago for never reporting to induction authorities.

A protest was held in front of the Bais Medrash and then spilled over to main roadways, where things turned ugly – fast.

It should be noted, that as a result of a direct request made on Sunday to Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman by MK Moshe Gafne, Lieberman has given his word that Taub would be released from prison before Rosh Hashanah. But apparently, this wasn’t enough of a gurantee, and protesters took to the streets upon the direction of the Rebbe.

Police say that items such as rocks and bricks were thrown at police, while demonstrators say that police were violent.

While one can’t condone the behavior of protesters closing streets without permits and disrupting the lives of the tens of thousands trying to go about their Erev Rosh Hashanah shopping, you must question how police can repeatedly get away with using such excessive violence.

In the attached video, one can see police officers pushing protesters to the floor and then walking away, unarmed protesters being kicked and jumped on etc. An officer tosses away a protestors eyeglasses with total disregard. (0:50)

At least 3 protesters were hospitalized, and nine were arrested. Police report 7 officers were injured. The protest ended after the Rebbe gave word that the Chassidim should stop saying “יחזור לתלמודו – יצאנו ידי חובת מחאה”

PHOTOS AND VIDEO VIA מחאות החרדים הקיצוניים

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

41 Responses

  1. If a stupid leftist college student on a US college campus calls someone a Nazi, OK, he’s just a straight out idiot.
    How on earth can a frum yid use that word to describe another Jew??!!! I don’t care how much you disagree with what he is doing!!
    I’ll stop short of saying they deserve to be violently shoved to the ground, but I will stop very short of it. It’s really tempting to say!
    You taunt a cop like that, you deserve whats coming to you!!!!!

  2. We need to get these none productive citizens real jobs,
    In every democracy you can protest but respect your fellow citizens don’t steal there time! And don’t block the traffic!

  3. And you call this a democratic country. In the USA they let the protesters protest even though they turned violent. There is not a shred of violence on behalf of the protesters here. The only violence is on the police state of israel! Shame on them!

  4. Its high time these ladigayers got thier share. They are very lucky that the cops held out for this long. No civilized country would ever put up with these crazies.

  5. I’m no fan of the Israeli police but what else should they have done? People were blocking the street and refusing to move. (insulting them all the while)

    What should they do?

    This is not a comment about the general issue at hand.

  6. The article correctly highlights the diploma of knowing when “enough is enough” and the actions of these mindless protestors who have made life miserable for hundreds of thousand of yidden warrants greater force as a deterrent (assuming anything would deter these thugs who believe their concerns preempt the rights of poishete yidden to live their daily lives without harassment). Taub clearly knew he had violated the law and was subject to jail and prosecution but for some reason decided to come back to EY for the holidays. No one forced him to come back. The police should find other ways to deal with these protestors (e.g. gas, tasers, etc) and rely less on physical brute force.

  7. Growing up in the United States, I always thought of the police as the “good guys.” Until one time I noticed groups of riot police between me and my bus stop. Anxious to get home to my children, I went up to one of the policemen standing there and started to ask if it was safe to continue. Suddenly, I felt someone grab my arm and pull me to the side. I was shocked to see that the arm was attached to a chassidishe yungerman, and then noticed the officer’s baton still hovering over my head.

  8. I have no problem with this you block traffic you get your head smashed simple as that. if you want to protest you get a permit and protest on the sidewalk. the same people who say that black lives matter should be run over by cars all of a sudden have a problem with israeli police bashing a few heads when the people are behaving no better than black lives matter

  9. What is so shocking? What police should do to bring an order? They tried water, I am sure they tried asking them to leave, and in return they get stones, so they should be treated with force. Let’s try to do the same thing in BoroPark and pelt stones at NYPD, I bet they would not be any nicer. People who lay down on the street know wxactly what is coming for them, and after they get beaten up they seem to come back for more. But what is very shocking as how many little children as used there by those protesters, who are told to block the streets and as results they get wet, beaten as well. That is not the way to act before Rosh Hashanah, and that Rebbe who sent them better stop being selfish for his own agender. I did not see him being there on the streets.

  10. I did not have the ztizflesh to watch the whole video, but the police seem to be dealing with a group of people who do not seem to care to behave; they refuse to get off of the street.

    BTW, I was on a bus to a doctor’s appointment and came late since the bus had to detour because of the protest. I lost time and other people also lost time and money because of these religious protesters. How long do we, the religious public have to suffer from the antics of the idiots in Meah Sharim?

  11. I could look no further than the first minute of this lengthy clip.

    The absolute brutality of that officer who smashed to the ground a man – not blocking the street – just standing on the side, evokes memories of an era we don’t ever want to remember!

    That a Jewish officer can do something like this is inconceivable. Worse though, is that he faces no punishment from his superiors.

    Can you imagine the repercussions if this was an American officer?!?

    I think that these policemen are so certain that they will never be penalized that they stop at nothing!


    Sadly these videos have appeared in the news media across the globe and it sure is no nachas for Israel.

  12. Most video is hard to follow and does not show what the headlines say it shows. I watched only the first 4 minutes of this video, and it clearly shows the police assaulting civilians.

  13. Throwing rocks and bricks is deadly force.The officers are justified to respond with live ammunition.
    If these were arabs, no one here would disagree.Insurgents who dress pious but act like thugs should be treated like thugs.

  14. A frum yid doesn’t thrown rocks at Yidden that protect them from Arab terrorists! Why don’t these people go and protest the Arabs who beat up Charedi Yidden all the time in the old city? Why don’t they block Sha’ar Schem? Do you know why because they are cowards!!!!! You can attack and provoke Jewish police with bricks and burn tires exactly like the Arabs do and that’s okay but to stand up to abusive Arabs…that may not end so well…Cowards!!!!! These same police are constantly attacked by Arabs, shot at , stoned, have Molotov cocktails thrown at them and they are even killed by bloodthirsty Palestinians and then they are attacked by their own people… would you react? If they hate the state so much then leave!!! We have enough trouble with Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, Tanzim, Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades, PFLP, Amal, ISIS, Asad, Iran and on and on and on.

  15. 1) Nice to see how many commentators have a true love for Klal Yisrael (sarcasm implied).

    2) Although I have no love for Israeli riot police (they are known for their hatred for other Jews) and am very much against drafting Bnei Torah into their shmad IDF, non-the-less, I did not see any clear indication of police brutality or acting outside their legal rights in carrying out their job. However, it’s very clear to me that they were motivated by sinat chinam and thus actively used whatever force was within their legal rights. Force that would not have been as necessary if they were motivated by Ahavas Yisrael. For anyone who doesn’t understand what I am talking about just watch videos of soldiers removing people from Gush Katif and you’ll see the difference between the two motivations. Yes, force would still need to have been applied, but the protesters would have sensed the warmth and thus would have been less resistant when removed from blocking traffic. (If you don’t live in Israel you probably won’t believe the veracity of this point.)

    3) Lapid is to blame for all of the upheaval that is going on right now. Until now, the chilonim were mad that the chareidim weren’t serving, the IDF were happy that they didn’t have to cater to us “extremists”, and the status quo was more or less respected in political circles. Now that they are starting to back out of agreements that were made between us they may be causing a civil war to erupted (which will be terrible). If so, the main person to blame is Lapid. His self interest in attaining power and becoming leader has caused him to become numb to any horrible ramifications that result from his endeavor to achieve his goals. Shame on him!

  16. In america and most civilized country’s. If a cop tells you to move and you refuse to obey , minimaly you get tased and beaten. They are lucky that the cops held off this many years.

  17. I have a huge problem with this. There is no question that the brutality and the horrible carelessness of the police is easy to see here. However we don’t know what happened in the minutes before these selected scenes took place. However my biggest problem is the fact that the tzitzis of these allegedly holy men are being dragged through the shmutz and they don’t seem to give a hoot. Do they lose sight of what is precious during these crazy protests, together with the total lack of thought for their fellow yidden who are held up in time and potential loss of income through coming late to appointments or arriving late for a simcha? I don’t know what the answer is but it sure isn’t acting like proste goyim – and I’m talking about the protesters here not the police.

  18. Some of our people seem to take perverse pleasure in seeing frum Jews getting beaten up. Doesn’t even matter who’s right and who’s wrong. Some kind of anti-Semitic streak that some people seem to be infected with. And some websites seem to take a perverse pleasure in encouraging and publishing horrendous comments bordering on anti-Semitism. I can assure you that the brown shirts beating Yidden on the streets of Berlin in the 1930s also said the Kikes “asked for it.” Shame on all of you!

  19. Your preface was very fair and accurate.
    The brutality shown by some of those officers is unacceptable and criminal. Where the animal shoves the unarmed man down to the pavement with such violent force was extremely difficult to watch. The force of his head hitting the pavement, was enough to receive severe brain damage or hemorrhaging CH”V! There is a Rav, here in Flatbush, that tripped and hit his head on the cement and was in a coma for a while. Chasdei Hashem he had a refuah shilaima. I couldn’t stomach to watch any more of the video after that.
    Yes, if that officer was an American and did that to a black at a black lives matter demonstration, it would be the lead story on every news outlet for weeks until that officer was assassinated or in a maximum security prison cell. In Israel, it is a police State, so anyone wearing the uniform is above the law, unless, of course, its done to a Palestinian. Then of course, they have the BBC, NPR, and the entire UN on their side.
    Shameful and disgraceful.

  20. the police in Israel hate all charidym including us like the yeshivaworld readers.the protest is just another way to give out their hate.and taking a side with them is silly stupid and antisamite. before you right make sure to know facts.

  21. I also question how the Israeli police can be so brutal… and then I see the answer jumping out from the article-

    “Rocks and bricks were thrown at police”
    “protesters blocked the roads disrupting the lives of tens of thousands”
    and for the rioters taunting and belittling with chants such as יחזור לתלמודו – יצאנו ידי חובת מחאה

    If our “Chassidik” and “Yeshivish” factions dont even have basic levels of middos and Ahavas Yisroel, what argument can they make about “police brutality”???

  22. Did never see nowadays such behave by the police in Europe. This is the result of the Left’s import of so called “Jews” from the eastern countries. Cossack-police. Brutality is their specialty. They hate Jews, and in particular religious Jews.
    It’s really a shame. If the “officers” can act in such a way, it’s not by their own initiative. They have instructions from
    their superiors. It’s a real shame this can happen in Israel. The chareidi are really courageous. It’s thanks to their
    fight we may have a chance to keep our identity in the future. Let’s hope the Maschia’h is arriving soon.

  23. It’s mind boggling that we are witnessing this again. And YW can only condemn both sides? How can we equate people blocking streets with people mercilessly torturing others? Don’t equate the unequatable! And for all you geinuses merciless beating is not a proper law and order response to restoring order when streets are blocked! How can we watch our frum brethren being hurt without mercy, yes I know they are guilty of a terrible sin, they hold dear what they believe, (whether you agree with them or not) but how can any Jew loving person watch how the Reshoim torture our brothers, how can any peace loving person not allow peaceful protests ( I was there and it stays peaceful until the police start fighting, blocking streets is not a crime in a normal democracy). If this would happen in the USA there would be widespread condemnation, but in order to let ourselves believe we have a democracy will we sacrifice our frum brothers?! Where are the frum mouthpieces by the spill of blood of Jews at the hand of the zionists? YATED, AGUDAH, HAVE YOU ALL LOST YOUR VOICE? We can not equate pig eating barbaric Jew beaters with our frum protesting brothers It’s high time for all of us to proclaim an outcry like no other, that we will not tolerate the beating of our brothers, and let us call out the police for what they are BARBARIC! Hitting people with no mercy is a heinous act. it’s history repeating itself as our brothers are guilty of trying to keep their heritage pure and that is the same that we have endured through Gauls at the hand of the bolsheviks, and for all you zionists it’s time you figure out they are Jew haters, as they hate anything that’s religious sacred and holy etc. and hate the frum people what about them is Jewish and worth of praise? Do they love hashem or his Torah why do you feel a connection and a need to justify their actions, yes our brothers might be right when they scream NAZI and yes indeed they are STOP THE SPILL OF BLOOD!! (and for all you self hating Jews who just condemn the Chareidim and excuse the ruthless police, I will end off with a blessing as it seems you aspire for these acts may your children grow up to look like those merciless cops)

  24. Yitzchok zev kleinbard
    I dont know what avoda zara you have been smoking, but your rant proves which side is right, and that the chareidi dressed insurgents are wrong.
    Any one of those LEOs would run into a shul being attacked by muslims to save the mespallim inside.
    Whether they keep shulchan aruch is between them and G-d.
    The insurgents violating the law of the land AND shulchan aruch, in the name of Torah, have long since ripped themselves out of the classification of “frum”,”bretheren”, or “frum bretheren”.
    May their hashkafa join the reform in the graveyard of Jewish history.

  25. At some point, even those sympathetic to Chareidi concerns are no longer willing to have their lives disrupted for no cause other than a few zealots mindlessly disrupting in the name of some Rabbonim who comfortably sit at home with no “skin in the game”…. As many have said, there is every right to peacefully demonstrate in EY on just about any topic. However, when you cross the line as these thugs masquerading in Yeshivish lvush have done and made life miserable for a large percentage of the tzibur, than you both invite and deserve the consequences. It is NOT part of our hashkafah to “turn the other cheek” to those who would inflict harm on us.

  26. Yitzchok zev.
    Your rant shows everyone how closed minded you are.
    First go take a chill pill and then go learn hilchos hezik along with some hilchos gezel. Aftet all it is ellul.

  27. @chareidi amiti
    As people choose fake aliases yours is one of them,
    So let me teach you something mr sinah amiti
    Being moser nefesh is no proof how holy one is just look at the muslims who are moser nefesh, it’s only honorable when you are doing it for the right cause. Hence lesheim shomayim, not for the medinah
    Mr sinah amiti if your mind isn’t boggled yet, let me teach you something you would have known if you listened in 2nd grade, hocheach tocheach is a fundamental Jewish principle and yes there is Arvus, the same way we can be yotzei with someone blowing shofar we are responsible for their actions.
    Even if you were right that the chareidim are terrible, following your demented thought process why are you upset at them it’s between them and god, and they are also very honorable men would jump into a fire al kiddish HaShem
    Yes yes mr sinah amiti your a bad product of the dumb left you will love every Jew no matter His lack of mitzvah observance, only as long as he smiles and doesn’t bother you! The red line for you is if they don’t agree with you and are more frum than you. How sad who has a reform religion where it’s not about observance just about love! How sad mr reform amiti. And while your at it go back to cheder and learn the basics

  28. Rabbi Kleinbard is 100 percent right all you self-hating jews when will you wake up that our dear brothers are getting beaten like crazy by this skutzim. you are antisemites you hate frum Jews who protest for their values they hold dear and love those chazer fressers. WHEN WILL AGUDAH AND YATED CONDEMN THE TORTURE OF OUR BROTHERS. AND MY BROTHERS ROSH HASHANA IS COMING DO TSHUVAH FOR SUPPORTING THE BEATING OF OUR BROTHERS AND START LOVING EVERY FRUM JEW. thank you rabbi Kleinbard!!!!

  29. my dear brothers and friends please could we all just step back a minute, yes true the way the protesters conduct themselves is wrong in fact very wrong but let’s call a spade a spade the police acted with brutality that is uncalled for, the protesters were unarmed their lives were not in danger yet they act this way because they take great pleasure in doing so unfortunately many of these policemen hate the chareidim so much that they this as a great chance to act on that hatred. their job is to restore law and order not to shove a man like that on the sidewalk, they can arrest but why the beating while they do so, yes, you can see the hatred in their eyes, remember you are watching your fellow yidden being beaten, whether you believe what they are doing is right or wrong, people keep saying how could police act this way, how could the beat a fellow jew? well first of all plenty of these policemen are not halachically speaking yidden altogether, so yes there is plenty eisav soney es yakov, plus the rest of them that live without an ounce of torah in their lives are capable of doing anything.
    but what I find the most disturbing of all is that there seems to be plenty of YWN readers who also seem to take pleasure in seeing there fellow Jews being beaten, perhaps it is time to question how much of our lives are influenced by Torah and how much by the outside world


  31. IF THE police in America did that they wouldbe fired and in be in jail and be sued.In Eretz Yisrael the police can not do this to the arabs but charedi Jew no problem This is police brutality plan and simple

    That is what you are defending,rasha!
    If this is how you define frum behavior, then i question what cheder and Torahs Moshe have in common.

  33. When unarmed women and children are being murdered, a police officer runs forward to protect them, to save them from death. He chose this line of work for this higher calling.
    And then you have people like some commentators on this page who sit in the safety of their dalled amos and start darshening:
    “Its nothing, he only died to save the treif medina”
    “Their deaths are the same as muslim terrorists”…
    “Those that are Jewish all live without an ounce of Torah in their lives so they can do anything….”
    Listen to yourselves!
    Is this the way a Jew speaks?
    You are all making a strong case for staying away from any yeshiva, if these are the TREIFE hashkafos that you emerge with.
    It is EXACTLY because of jews like you that sitting and learning has become bismirched and politicized.
    I would choose the Emuna of a Single pashut, simple, traditional Israeli Police Officer who is not yet shomer all of shulchan aruch over a CITY load of you RESHAIM who sat and alledgedly “learned” for however long it took to develope the right to pasken on and write off any Jew who doesnt share your vile sinah.
    You have PERVERTED Torah true Judaism.
    At least the reform dont dress frum…

  34. @Yitzchok zev kleinbard

    I wonder what response you feel would work in this situation. This is not the first such protest such groups have made. They walk into the busiest streets and just sit down blocking traffic for hours on end. How should these people be removed from the streets? Hopefully we can both agree that creating such a tircha and disturbing the lives of tens of thousands of people is something that is absolutely not acceptable. So now I ask. How can the police take control of the situation for protesters refusing to move and disrupting life and business?

    They were asked to move. They refused. In fact they got even more rowdy and started becoming physically and verbally violent. How does any other county deal with rioters that refuse to move and disrupt other peoples lives? water cannons (which appears to have been used here) pepper spray (not usually used in israel) and other dispersal methods.

    In our story the people still refused to move even after the water cannon dispersal method. So I ask you- what should the police do but physically remove the people????

    This is what they did. For those that allowed the police to move them, they walked away unscathed. For those that chose to FIGHT the police and attack them- they were retaliated on. Once again I dont ever like to hear or see another Jew be attacked in such a way- but there needs to be some type of consequence for people who break the law and violently attack the police both physically and verbally.

    Alternatively, I would love to hear your methodology for how to solve this problem.

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