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Gafne To Bnei Yeshivos: Continue Registering For The Draft As You Have To Avoid Problems

MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Rav Moshe Gafne announced his party and Shas will have to legislate a law that will guarantee the draft law pertaining to chareidim will remain as it was prior to the High Court invalidating the current arrangement beginning in a year.

Rav Gafne explains that for now, it is imperative that each talmid and avreich continue registering for the draft “as we have always done” to avoid complicating matters.

Speaking to Yated Neeman, he explained at present nothing has changed and registering with the IDF is to continue as it always was. “B’ezras Hashem the law will continue in a year too”, exhibiting optimism that he and other chareidi lawmakers will be able to push a law through Knesset bypassing the latest High Court decision, which eliminates the current draft deferments for chareidim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Gafni, would you care to admit how many yeshivah bachurim are currently sitting in jail after reporting for a draft referral?
    Clue – it’s over 50.
    They followed your instructions and now they’re in jail instead of in yeshivah.
    What have you done about this?
    Why should we vote for you?

  2. How about doing the right thing and serve your fellow Jews and defend your country? Why not a little Hakarat Hatov to people who give their lives to defend you. There are plenty of Yeshiva bachurim who spend a few hours in the Bias Midrash and then smoke and chat for hours while fressing; maybe teach a little bit of responsibility? Oh but of course their mevateling is more important than maintaining a Jewish state. A secular Jewish state, however imperfect, is far far better than living under Islamic rule. My great great grandfather from Yemen had to hide orphans in his home (google Yemen orphans decree) Thousands and thousands of Jewish orphans were ripped from their mothers and grandparents to be forcibly converted to Islam and lost forever….and yet many of my Ashkenazi brothers believe in a myth, propagated by Muslim propagandists, that Jews in Arab countries were treated better than Jews in Christian countries which is totally false! That is exactly like a Sephardi believing Ukrainian nationalists who say that Chemelnitzki (cursed be his name) never mistreated the Jews! Why would you believe the Muslims and their Christian Arabist academic apologists over your own Jewish brothers? Hezbollah has 150,000 rockets, missiles and even armed UAVs targeting every yid in Israel, charedi or not. Instead of looking for ways to relinquish your responsibility to defend other Yidden, stand up like a man and do your 2 years! You can only change the army from the inside, throwing bricks and burning tires are not the signs of a Torah yid! Do you throw rocks at Arabs after they attack charedi Yidden every day in the old city on the way to daven? You can attack other Yidden but the Arabs, you are too afraid!

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