MK Uri Maklev Comments On High Court Ruling Impacting Bnei Torah And Their IDF Service

Yahadut Hatorah MK Uri Maklev is one of the chareidi lawmakers who has commented publicly to this week’s High Court decision eliminating chareidi exemptions for military service.

Maklev writes, “In the ruling of the High Court of Justice, it raises the banner of egalitarianism when its entire essence and composition is unequal and unrepresentative. No wonder that all their rulings are of one opinion when the court’s entry ticket is one agenda.

We now have two options, one of which is the change in legislation that unfortunately we will never want and to adopt to fit the worldview and goals of the justices in the High Court of Justice.

The second option is to enact legislation that reduces the possibility of the High Court of Justice revoking laws, so that repeated legislation in the Knesset on the same subject will not meet the authority of the Supreme Court to annul the law.

The chareidi public studied Torah in the Land of Israel long before the establishment of the state, the chareidi public tried to act legitimately and to be part of the legislation in the country. The High Court of Justice leads to confrontation, leads us to a dead end and drives us to a corner on the most fundamental and fundamental issue since we became a nation.

The ruling of the High Court of Justice in the ivory tower will appeal to the rule of law. This ruling can never be fulfilled. This ruling proves that the court is detached from the values ​​of Israel and Torah. The study of the Torah is the supreme value. All our rights and existence are moral davka because of Toras Yisrael. It is unthinkable that a majority of the justices of the High Court of Justice will prevail over a majority in the Knesset. You can harm our bodies, but you cannot break our spirit and we cannot change our ways.

The necessity and the imperative of learning Torah is the bedrock of our existence. As such, he will overcome these and other rulings, and fight with all our might with the possibility of limud Torah in Eretz Yisrael as our forefathers did.

Values ​​do not change the decisions of the High Court of Justice.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Maklev has expressed the problem eloquently. The high court is above the law and looks down upon the law and its makers.

    The justices should be given a 4 year term in office instead of life suffering for the people of the state.

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