Lapid Remains Firm Following Court Ruling Striking Down Of Chareidi Draft Law

Yesh Atid party chairman, MK Yair Lapid, is preparing for what he envisions will be the next step by chareidi lawmakers after the High Court of Justice this week struck down the draft arrangement with the chareidi tzibur.

In an interview with Yediot Achronot, Lapid explained if the chareidim begin efforts to legislate a law to circumvent the High Court ruling, “we will take to the streets”, vowing enormous social pressure to halt chareidi efforts to undermine the court’s ruling.

Speaking with the newspaper’s weekend addition correspondent, Lapid explained “at least the chareidim believe in something”, alleging “Netanyahu and the ministers” have clearly shown they have no beliefs other than maintaining the coalition. He adds that once again the chareidim are going to try to bypass the court by legislating a bill, as was done during the start of this administration regarding the laws his party was instrumental in passing, vis-à-vis chareidi military service.

Lapid adds “This will be a true test for [Defense Minister Avigdor] Lieberman, to side for or against the military service and sharing the burden”.

Lieberman commented earlier in the week, “We are not fighting against chareidim and not fighting against the High Court of Justice. We are acting in line with reason, service for all. There will no more quality ‘A’ or ‘B’, but equality for all youths 18 and older, compelled to serve or Sheirut Leumi instead. I am speaking about everyone – Jews, Muslims and Christians”.

The senior minister added, that while not everyone evading military service will be jailed, each person will have a criminal record.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. so stupid another cycle of this nonsense this is what their wasting their resources and energy for when there is definitley no shortage of peole to fight in the army? really? this is going to take up hours and hours of knesset meetings and arguments serously!!! another silliness wont get anyhwere just going to cause more protests no one will come

  2. ולא אחד בלבד, He’s not the first nor the last to attempt this. He will pay the price. The apple doesn’t fall far from tree. Wasn’t his father Tommy the one that rav shach said on him ימח שמו וזכרו

  3. No need to worry. Lapid’s good buddy, mareinu virabeinu harav hagaon reb Dov Lipman shlita, said, this is a great thing for the Torah world and the nitzchius of kllal yisroel.

  4. Torah Study needs to be designated as National Service, as the Torah learners are protecting us all!Far, far better than sending National Service kids to work in anti-Israel ,foreign funded NGO’s.

  5. So the Misyavnim of 5777 are trying to figure out how far they could push this harassment of the Chareidi Tzibur before they will turn into Maccabim. Remember what the Chofetz Chaim said about missed opportunity for a Mesiras Nefesh for Torah in not physically fighting the communism in 1920s and 1930s.
    Do they really want to get Israeli society to the point of civil war?

  6. Way back when Lapid made a public apology to the chareidi community I commented that his words were not sincere, were politically driven, and in the end we’ll see he hasn’t changed at all. Now we see I was unfortunately right about him. Hope he does teshuva some day.

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