VIDEO: MK Lapid Responds To High Court Decision – We Won’t Be Suckers Anymore!


The head of the Yesh Atid opposition party, MK Yair Lapid, responded to the High Court decision abolishing the arrangement regulating the chareidi draft.

“The draft arrangement that we passed is not against the chareidim, it is not against the world of Torah, it addresses one principle: everyone has the same rights, and everyone has the same obligations”, stated Lapid, in reference to the legislation his party spearheaded in the previous, 19th Knesset.

“The values, the spirit of the IDF and the soldiers won today,” Lapid said at a special conference he convened. Today we began to turn the ship’s steering toward sanity and values. Recruitment for everyone. Work for everyone “.

Lapid added: “Binyamin Netanyahu cannot continue to evade and squirm, enlistment in the IDF is for everyone, for everyone. Not only the suckers who have no party in the coalition. We were all suckers. The High Court of Justice ruled that there are no first and second-class citizens in Israel. There is no such thing as a law without enforcement and there yes, there are sacred values. There are issues beyond political survival”.

Lapid continued, “I was in the Knesset when they canceled the equality of the burden, you know what was the most obvious thing: It’s the same people, Netanyahu, Ayelet Shaked, Bennett, those people who passed the law with us, On the contrary, when they are asked why, they say: ‘Because before that Lapid forced us, and now Litzman forced us,’ they have no shame on this issue. These are our children. This is our army!”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Now it’s time to take in all the Israeli Arabs into the IDF! We’ll see how long this edict from the Israeli Supreme Court lasts.

  2. What a lie!If everyone has the same rights and the same obligations then why are Arab citizens collecting more benefits than charedim yet they don’t serve in the IDF.When will the chiloni live up to their God-given obligation to study Torah and do mitzvot ?

  3. “The draft arrangement that we passed is not against the chareidim, it is not against the world of Torah, it addresses one principle: everyone has the same rights, and everyone has the same obligations”
    Hey Lapid, what about Israeli Arabs?
    Why are they excluded from IDF?
    They have same rights and no IDF obligations!
    Where is the fairness in their special arrangement? Why did the court not address this injustice?

  4. When it comes to saving Jewish life on Shabbos,the halacha is clear:
    Any violation of Shabbos must be performed by the greatest talmud chacham at hand.Not a koton, not an irreligous Jew. But the most learned and most G-d fearing person should be the one who dials 911, or turns on the AED,etc.
    People here are suggesting that securing public safety in Israel be outsourced to arabs.
    I dont know where you guys live, but I have seen first hand what happens to Jews when you give arabs a car, a tractor, a kitchen knife or a gun.
    What is your learning worth if “defending” it leads you to such crum and outright homicidal svaras?

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