Israel Police Pay Tribute To Chareidi Personnel Ahead Of Rosh Hashanah

Some 200 policemen from the chareidi sector are serving in the Israel Police today. The department held a tribute to these members of the force ahead of Rosh Hashanah, including those serving as part of civilian or national service.

Police report is Equal Opportunity program has been running in the chareidi community for three years and it has been quite successful.

The tribute was held in National Police College in Beit Shemesh, and Police Chief Roni Alsheich made an appearance to personally thank the chareidi officials for this service on behalf of citizens of Israel.

Alsheich said, “One of the foundations of the conception of the AMAN program (strategy, prevention and administrative focus) is that the connection to the community constitutes a” double force “for police work and that the community’s trust in the police is a condition for its effectiveness.

“The communities in Israeli society are diverse, and the need to provide adapted service includes understanding the needs of the community, the police’s multi-cultural training, and the representation of all communities in the police.

“The Israel Police is working to integrate members of chareidi society into a variety of positions, while adapting to the unique needs and the importance of preserving the chareidi character of the policeman. Satisfaction is probably mutual.

“A recent survey conducted by the Police Behavioral Sciences Department among chareidi police officers found that there was a high level of satisfaction with most of the aspects examined.

“The integration of the chareidi sector into the police is a winning move. An important and good move for the organization, for the policemen themselves, for the entire Haredi community and for bringing the hearts of the sectors of Israel together”.

Alsheich concluded by telling them “we are proud of you and your actions and view you as pioneers in the camp”.

The department’s chief rabbi, Rabbi Rami Barchiyahu, also addressed the event, explaining he is always available to address halachic issues pertaining to their service.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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