VIDEO/PHOTOS: Israel: 81 Physicians Certified To Give An Rx For Cannabis


The first class of physicians trained to issue prescriptions for medical cannabis graduated this week, number 81 doctors. Health Minister Yaakov Litzman explained the addition of the 81 will facilitate the process for those waiting for a prescription. To date, only a handful of doctors, literally, have been authorized to write prescriptions for medical cannabis.

Litzman is calling for a reduction in the price of the medical cannabis to assist persons requiring it for pain relief. Health officials continue efforts to curtail the process and bureaucracy surrounding medical cannabis and obtaining it for persons approved.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. A word of caution. Make sure that these doctors, their patients and all records pertaining to their prescriptions are closely monitored and audited on a regular basis. Otherwise, there will be lots of people celebrating High Holidays throughout the year.
    The government should set blood levels and other standards for dui’s while driving, caring for children, etc.

  2. When I was young I saw some of my friends get ‘hooked’ on pot, they sort of ended a productive livestyle to just get high and it basically ended any continuation of a decent life style.

    Now I am old and I have seen some of my friends and relatives who are in tremendous pain, medical morphine has helped them deal with it in a manner that enabled them to continue living.

    Bottom line, HaShem created everything for man’s use. Use it properly and it is good, misuse it and it causes destruction.

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