David Krauss Released From Jail

Police have released David Krauss from prison on Wednesday, 15 Elul. He was jailed for taking part in burning an IDF soldier in effigy in Meah Shearim this last Lag B’Omer.

David is a son of Yolish Krauss, operations officer for the Eida Chareidis.

He was jailed for three days prior to being released. He denied any involvement, insisting he was not even in Jerusalem when the events in question occurred, explaining he was with many others, far away at the tziyun of the Rashbi with tens of thousands.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. When did the Zionist State outlaw free speech? The State used to claim to be a democracy. They’ve finally put to rest any pretenses.

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