Tragedy Strikes Modi’in Illit As A Young Avreich Is Niftar

Tragedy struck Modi’in Illit with the petira of 26-year-old avreich Rav Yitzchak Ze’ev Heller Z”L. Gedolei Yisrael added the name Refael as a segulah for a refuah prior to his death. He fought a difficult illness during recent months.

The niftar was born in Netivot to Rav David Heller, one of the more prominent avreichim in the ‘ישכר באוהליך’ Kollel in the southern city. He learned in Ohr Yisrael Yeshiva in Petach Tikvah and the Yad Aharon Yeshiva Gedola in Yerushalayim. It was there that he became a close talmid to HaGaon HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein Shlita.

He married a daughter of Rav Yehuda Shaul Gold of Bnei Brak and they settled in Modi’in Illit. He is survived by his rebitzen and three children, with the oldest being 3½.

The levaya was held on Tuesday, 14 Elul at 2:30PM at 8 Toledano Street in Bnei Brak.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. How many more young people and their families will we cry for? It’s every day, sometimes a few times a day, we read such tragedies. Enough!

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