Israel: Health Officials Warn Of Eggs With Salmonella Threat

The Health Ministry calls on the general public not to buy “Yesh Maohf” eggs with a ‘last date of sale’ of 20 October. Officials are also calling on the tzibur at large to destroy 11 million eggs.

After comprehensive tests conducted in the framework of the joint efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health to protect the public health, Salmonella was found in an environmental examination of coops in Moshav Goren.

Upon discovery of laboratory test results, the offices immediately stopped marketing the eggs from the sorting station. The amount of eggs that are suspected of being infected by the chicken coop is less than one percent of the total number of eggs marketed in Israel.

While at times, if infection is suspected, consumers are told to cook eggs completely but in this case, officials instruct consumers to destroy the eggs. Officials do not want the eggs returned, for this will spread the infection. Consumers are instructed to take the loss and destroy eggs.

The Ministries of Health and Agriculture emphasize that it is forbidden to consume eggs that have already been purchased and that they must be destroyed by throwing them into the garbage can.

Salmonella is a common bacterium in the world and the State of Israel makes efforts to minimize its presence. As part of the program for monitoring Salmonella in the laying coops, 60% of the laying interfaces in Israel have already been examined. The prevalence of salmonella in the Israeli egg-laying alleys is less than 3%, a smaller percentage than that in Europe and the United States.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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