VIDEO/PHOTOS: Soldier Extricated From Beis Yisrael On Sunday Evening


Police including Yassam commandos responded on Sunday night, to the Beis Yisrael area of Yerushalayim, to extricate and IDF soldier who came under attack.

They extricated him from the crowd and escorted him in a motorcade to Yechezkel Street.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Another one of those innuendo articles. Since the “authorities” of the beginning of Our Redemption called in a SWAT team, well, it was obviously a national security threat of the highest degree. The photos don’t show anything except some Chareidim who could be residents of the area who are not doing anything particularly threatening, and some cops standing around. The video looks and sounds like there could have been a “hachnosas Sefer Torah” or some other celebration going on further up on Rechov Yechezkel. Just because there are Chareidim and cops on the same street at the same time doesn’t automatically mean “the Chareidm are rioting (again!)”. Something that you don’t say explicitly but seem to imply. The Keystone Cops in Jerusalem can and do make plenty of mistakes. Sheesh, you guys!! There are enough good things to report; why resort to posting this kind of non-news articles?

  2. And YWN does is again

    Between your news story’s of someone wearing green near meah shearim and all your communicated content this sites becoming a waste of time

  3. agree with both teebee and american yerushalmi
    a. YWN reporters cannot even translate from hebrew for the life of them, רב חנניה צולק of ezer mitzion became zwhelk???
    b. when nothing to write home about, some israeli soldier walking some meah she’arim chldren crying after him becomes an item worth writing about…
    cummon YWN, lift your socks and make a roundabout change!

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