PHOTOS: Students In Jerusalem’s Old City Wait For Buses That Do Not Arrive


An estimated 70 plus students of the Beis Yaakov Beis Yisrael School waited and waited on erev Shabbos, but no bus came or the bus that arrived was too full to permit them to get on. A few were waiting at the Kosel and then moved to another nearby stop until a number 1 Egged bus came, but it was too crowded and students were not permitted to board. The number 3 bus, a parent who wishes to remain anonymous, tells YWN-ISRAEL did not arrived for 45 minutes. She explained issues in getting to school are chronic and the only solution is for Egged to allocate dedicated bus service line for the children, school buses, as it the case in other areas around the city.

It is explained girls waited from 7:15AM to 8:00PM walked through the Arab shuk to the Jerusalem light rail in the hope of getting to school, albeit quite late. The parent explained “these are young girls, far too young to be making a trek through the Arab shul without security. She laments in chas v’sholom something would occur, then an investigation would be launched afterward but it would be too late.

Parents explain they are in contact with chareidi elected officials on the national and local level in the hope of having school bus service allocated to them but the problem is Egged is not excited to provide service from the Old City due to the complications that surround such service despite the fact so many girls from the Old City attend the school.

Egged was not contacted for a response.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Egged services to the Kotel and to haredi areas like the 55 ,52, etc.are terrible!The buses to the Haddasah hospitals and Hebrew university campuses ,however, run frequently and are rarely crowded— get NOTHING is done!

  2. This situation is out of control. This story is solid proof that Hashem is watching and protecting us every single second even when we are stuck and we are forced to walk in an area where there are many poisonous snakes.
    Maybe it’s about time that we send our children to other schools. I do not believe that this is the only good school in Yerushalaim. By the way if lots of families start sending their children to a different school, then that new school will eventually become a real good school.

  3. There isn’t a problem with the schools , the problem is the chronically horrible service that Egged gives to the lines that service the frum community in Jerusalem!

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