Petira Of 12-Year-Old Dudi Miller Z’L of Bnei Brak

Tragedy strikes Bnei Brak as 12-year-old Dudi Miler Z”L was niftar in Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer just one a year after being diagnosed with a difficult illness.

Many were being mispallel for David ben Anat Chaya Bluma, as well as visiting him in the hospital.

David, a resident of Bnei Brak, would arrive early in shul and those who knew him personally could attest to his intelligence, far surpassing his young age.

Two months ago, he had a dream to receive a set of Shas to permit him to study and meet with Health Minister Yaakov Litzman through the ‘Mishalos’ Organization. The dream came true and Ohr Chaim donated the Shas and he met with the minister.

During the meeting, he was tested on various areas of Shas and showed a knowledge far ahead of one his age. “My heart was broken to pieces,” the family’s friends say. “David was a flower who fought with devotion to the malignant disease.”

A neighbor explained to Chadrei Chareidim that David had been suffering from a serious illness for a year-and-a- half and his parents invested thousands of hours on treatment and launched a fundraising campaign to cover the huge expenses.

The neighbor added that during the past months, he used his last koach to get to shul in a wheelchair and he would study from home through technological means that were connected to his class.

“The boy was a pure soul, honoring his parents before he fell ill was something unusual for children to see,” he says, adding “David would sit at his father’s side in shul and was attending daf yomi shiurim since he was ten”.

Neighbors added his parents did everything especially during the period of hospitalization so that he would not be exposed to inappropriate content. Last Shavuos, his classmates from the Boston Talmid Torah arrived at the beis medrash where he and studied with him. During the entire difficult period, the father never ceased to exhibit emunah and bitachon in HKBH and explained “It is all from Hashem”.

His levaya was on erev Shabbos at 1:00PM at the Yarkon cemetery where he was buried. Among those taking part in the levaya were Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein Shlita, (Rav of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood), Rav Shmuel Eliezer Stern (Rav of Western Bnei Brak), Rav Binyamin Druk (Rav of the Rishonim Shul where the Miller family davened), Rav Yair Zakash (Rosh Yeshivas Tiferes Mordechai where David’s brother studied and Rav Chananya Zhulk (CEO of Ezer Mizion).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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