Interesting Story Last Night In Yerushalayim

hatzolah israel.jpgAt about 25 minutes after midnight (last night), there was a call put out over Hatzolah Israel’s Mirs network for an accident in Maavar HaMitlah Street in Ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem.
Dovi Tzenvirt, the first Hatzolah Israel volunteer to arrive, found a woman lying there, and when he approached her, she pushed him away telling him “to go to 102 as there is a woman giving birth.” Dovi thought he was dealing with a serious head wound which caused this woman to start talking deliriously, not making sense.
Just then the beeper went off again, this time for a birth in progress in the Sanhedria Murchevet neighborhood without a proper building address.
Upon further verification, Dovi understood that this woman who was injured moderately in the accident was actually the midwife that was on her way to deliver that baby, and was telling the members to leave her alone and go to deliver the baby instead of her.
Dovi and Yitzi Feder, stayed to treat the woman, while another 3 Hatzolah Israel members from the neighborhood proceeded to the Birth all the while getting exact directions to the address from the injured midwife, through the Hatzolah radio.
The midwife was transported to the hospital with moderate injuries, and the Mother and her newborn Baby Boy whom the other volunteers helped deliver, were transported to the hospital as well in good condition.

19 Responses

  1. In the merit of her mesiras nefesh for the woman in labor, may the midwife have a refuah sheleimah.

    Mi k’amcha Yisrael!

  2. Every person in this story displays tremendous Ahavat Yisrael in their own way – it’s really beautiful. May the selfless midwife have a refuah shlema and may the parents raise the son to Torah, Chuppah, and Maasim Tovim.

  3. beautiful story. i wonder who this midwife was,what a bracha she wasnt injured more to tell of the address. gut shabbos from yerushalayim.

  4. If mother and baby were doing well, why did they deliver (no pun intended) them to the hospital? Are there no other midwives in Yerushalayim to administer care at safely at home.

  5. we are all missing a huge part of this story

    kudos to our shlichim of hashem , our hatzoloh israel volunteers always first at the call.Always first and ready with mesiras nefesh to help any and every fellow yid, anywhere, evrywhere, all the time -anytime

    thanks hatzoloh, we are grateful that you are there watching over our children and families

    Rabosai- we should be more appreciative of their dedication

  6. 11: I for one certainly did not intend to omit Hatzolah’s incredible service. I guess I felt it went without saying, but of course you are right that it never should.

  7. amazing, the reactions to this story. it sounds like it is self understood that everyone responding would have done the same thing.
    mi k’amcha yisrael!!

  8. Kudos to ALL who were involved in this. May we hear many, many more stories like this.

    Hey, YW…. Here is a story that not one single person can find fault with, and not person can put anyone down for! I love it. Ahavas Yisroel practiced and felt by all, both on the scene, and on this blog.

    We all agree! Awesome.

  9. #6-
    maybe mother and baby are doing fine according to what could of happened in this case where there is a home birth.but they certainly must go to the hospital and be properly taken care of!!!

  10. Shalom from Jerusalem,
    After 6 days I am feeling well enough to respond to your wonderful words of chizuk. The comments also made me feel a true ahavas Israel and that I have many more brothers and sisters everywhere.
    I am the woman who was in the accident.
    To set the account straight:
    I am a doula, not a midwife(maybe in my next gilgul)
    I was on my way to my client’s house in Sanhedria Murcheved. I live in Neve Yaacov.
    Baruch Hashem, although totalling my car(only have mandatory insurance after rates skyrocketed)
    i survived with 2 breaks (in the same foot!) and a cast till my knee. I am pretty badly bruised in a few places and will be out of work for 2 months(awww)but, as the taxi driver’s Rov Nachum Cohen told him “You were sent by Eliyahu HaNavi to save that woman”. The taxi driver, whom I hit,thanks to a very slippery road, walked out of his car with bruised ribs. This was after his car spun twice. He had no passengers. (Another ness)
    Dov, the taxi driver, actually pulled me out of my car with an avrech who walked by, because my engine was steaming and they were afraid it would blow.
    I hope to bentch gomel this Shabbos.
    Sarah Goldstein
    Maybe some of you read “Special Delivery and More Special Deliveries”? That’s me. Good Chodesh. Good Shabbos.

  11. Hello All,
    Thank you for your chizuk and making me feel that Ahavas Israel is really practiced today. I feel like my family has grown in a week.
    I am the woman in the story. It’s taken me a few days to return to my computer but I would like to set the record straight.
    First of all, I am a doula, not a midwife. (Maybe in my next gilgul)
    Secondly, Hashem gave me a new lease on life last Thursday night. With the first light rains after 10 days, the roads are almost as slippery as ice. I lost control of the stearing, ramming into a taxi (no passengers-another ness), spinning him around twice. He came over to me and with the help of an avrech insisted I get out of my car because of the smoking engine.
    Other than 2 breaks (in the same leg!) and lots of painful bruises, Baruch Hashem, I am alive to tell the tale. I will get an extended “vacation” from my work, like it or not.
    The taxi driver’s Rov(Nachman Cohen) said he was Eliyahu HaNavi. He saved me from Olam HaEmes as I easily could have continued into a wall of Jerusalem stone.
    I wish you all a Good Chodesh and a Good Shabbos
    Sarah Goldstein
    Have you read “Special Delivery” and “More Special Deliveries”? That’s me!

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