Mehadrin Consumers Are Getting Back At Tnuva For Years Of Indifference

Tnuva is cutting sales among the chareidi tzibur, according to the newspaper TheMarker. According to data published by the newspaper, the company fell by 13 percent, a market share of 93.7% to 80.1%.

The dairy market in the chareidi sector stands at 10% of the total sales of the dairy market in Israel, and is estimated at NIS 1 billion a year.

It is estimated that the share of the market that Tnuva recently lost among the chareidim is only going to increase, due to the entry of another company with an impressive kashrut, thereby increasing competition between the two companies.

This refers to Tara, which changed its milk from Badatz Agudas Yisrael to Badatz Eida Chareidis and it is expected as the Eida Chareidis product line increases, more consumers will move to Tara, which is generally considerably less expensive than Tnuva.

For many, they feel it is payback time as Tnuva was always considerably more expensive than Tara, realizing those loyal to the Eida hechsher were without alternatives. This is no longer the case and many consumers are smiling as they wave goodbye to Tnuva.

Until four years ago, Tnuva held 57% of the milk market, and two years ago it was 54%, while in an examination two weeks ago the company was 48.7%.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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